About Jobs

The My Jobs screen shows a list of all jobs executed during the current and previous WebTop sessions.

The job list initially only displays jobs associated with your login identification (ID).

A SIMULIA Execution Engine job consists of a model, optional initial data or values, and job control information (such as logging level and result data). For additional information about jobs, see Executing and Managing Jobs in the Isight User’s Guide.

The Access Control Lists (ACLs) have the same restrictions and features as the Isight Runtime Gateway. You can only view, execute, or delete jobs that match your permission level. These restrictions can be modified by setting the fiper.webtop.permission attribute in the webtop.properties file. For more information about these restrictions, see the webtop.properties file itself (at the top level of the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation directory).

For details on using your jobs in the WebTop, see Viewing Your Jobs.