Configuring LSF for the SIMULIA Execution Engine

This procedure is designed to help an experienced LSF administrator set up LSF for use with the SIMULIA Execution Engine.

In the following procedure <SEE_install_directory> represents the location on each system where the SIMULIA Execution Engine is installed and <lsf_install_directory> represents the location on each system where LSF is installed.

  1. Add the following directory to the system PATH variable on the SIMULIA Execution Engine system, as well as on every system running a SIMULIA Execution Engine station:


  2. If you are installing on a Windows system:

    1. Copy the elim.fiper.exe file from the following directory:

      to the <lsf_install_dir>\LSF_9.1\9.1\etc\ directory on each system running a SIMULIA Execution Engine station.

    2. Create a file called elim_fiper_config in the <lsf_install_dir>\LSF_9.1\9.1\etc\ directory. This file must contain the path to the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation. For example:


  3. If you are installing on a Linux system:

    Note: This entry assumes that all the Linux systems configured to be used as transient stations should have the SIMULIA Execution Engine installed at the same root path on all systems. Another option is to install the SIMULIA Execution Engine on one Linux system and share the installation on all the Linux hosts that hosts LSF transient stations using the same mount point path as the installation path.

    1. Create a one-line shell script called elim.fiper in <lsf_install_dir>/LSF_9.1/9.1/etc/ that points to the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation, and give all users execute permission on the script (mode 755). Verify that the script contains the following information (adjust your installation path, if necessary):

      exec /opt/SIMULIA/Isight/2017/linux_a64/code/bin/elim.fiper $*

    2. Create a one line shell script in /usr/bin/transtation/ that points to the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation, and give all users execute permission on this script (mode 755). This script must contain the following information (be sure to adjust your installation path, if necessary):

      exec /opt/SIMULIA/Isight/2017/linux_a64/code/command/transtation $*

  4. Add the following items to the Begin Resource section in the lsf.shared file:

    Note: This section may not exist in your lsf.shared file. If it does not, you need to create it. If it is commented out, you need to uncomment it. After any modifications, it should appear as shown below:

    Begin Resource
       acs        String  30       ()          (FIPER acs name)
       fs_aff1    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff2    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff3    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff4    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff5    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff6    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff7    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff8    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff9    String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
       fs_aff10   String  30       ()          (FIPER affinity)
    End Resource

  5. Add the following to the ResourceMap section in the lsf.cluster.* file:

    Note: This section may not exist in your lsf.cluster.* file. If it does not, you need to create it. If it is commented out, you need to uncomment it. After any modifications, it should appear as shown below:

    Begin ResourceMap
    acs             [default]
    fs_aff1         [default]
    fs_aff2         [default]
    fs_aff3         [default]
    fs_aff4         [default]
    fs_aff5         [default]
    fs_aff6         [default]
    fs_aff7         [default]
    fs_aff8         [default]
    fs_aff9         [default]
    fs_aff10        [default]
    End ResourceMap

  6. Open the file with the text editor of your choice.

  7. Modify the file as follows:

    1. Set the SIMULIA Execution Engine station temporary folder to a location accessible to and writable by all users. For example:


      Important: Do not use the property to change the name of a SIMULIA Execution Engine station when using LSF. You must use the default station name.

    2. Set the login properties to allow the LSF station to log on to the SIMULIA Execution Engine using some generic credentials with no user interaction. For example:


      If you want to use a secured password instead of clear text, use the SIMULIA Execution Engine Command Client to generate the text of the secured password. Use the following command to encrypt the clear text password you want:

      <SEE_install_dir>/<os_dir>/code/command/fipercmd encrypt password:<password-cleartext>

      This command will write to the console a text string of the form


      Copy the entire string, and paste it into the file as the password value:$decode$>>2<<@#$%^&…^%@#&*

      The presence of the $decode$ prefix indicates that a secured password is being provided. (If your file contains the fiper.logon.prop.secured=true/false line, delete it.)

  8. Save and close the file.

  9. On the system running the SIMULIA Execution Engine, open the file with the text editor of your choice.

  10. Modify the file as follows:

    • Set one of the allowed fiper.system.drm options to lsf. For example:



    • Set the fiper.system.bsubpath to <lsf_install_dir>/bin/bsub.exe. Be sure to use the full path with forward slashes (/), not backslashes (\). For example:


  11. Save and close the file.

  12. Create a connection profile for the SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    For more information, see Creating the Connection Profile File.

    Important: The server setting in the profile must exactly match the name of the SIMULIA Execution Engine. For example, if the server name is system, the server setting must be system, not

  13. Restart the LSF cluster (from the LSF master: lsadmin reconfig, badmin reconfig, badmin mbdrestart).

  14. If you are installing on a Linux system, create a $HOME/ file, and set up the LSF environment in this new file by adding the following line (i.e., replacing $LSF_ENVDIR with the path to your LSF configuration directory):

    . $LSF_ENVDIR/profile.lsf

    Important: You cannot use environment variables in this file setting to locate your LSF installation.

  15. Start the SIMULIA Execution Engine and SIMULIA Execution Engine stations as you usually do.