About Stopping the SIMULIA Execution Engine Server

If it becomes necessary to stop the SIMULIA Execution Engine, you do so by stopping the WebSphere application server.

It is usually not necessary to stop running jobs before stopping the SIMULIA Execution Engine. Jobs that are running at the time of the shutdown are suspended until the SIMULIA Execution Engine is restarted. However, not all jobs survive a restart—if large file transfers are in progress, they may fail. If work items were assigned to stations and do not complete before the shutdown, they will not resume.

Individual work items in a job that are in progress on stations may continue to run uninterrupted when the server is shutdown. However, the job workflow will not progress until the SIMULIA Execution Engine is restarted.

It is important that stations that are running work items at the time of the SIMULIA Execution Engine shutdown not be terminated or themselves shutdown until after the SIMULIA Execution Engine has been restarted. Terminating a station that is running work while the SIMULIA Execution Engine is shutdown will cause the job to hang or fail. Stations that are running no work at the time of the shutdown can be terminated safely at any time.

The orderly shutdown of the SIMULIA Execution Engine is initiated automatically when the application server is stopped using the normal server administration tools (administration console or shutdown scripts).The server shutdown can take up to 20 minutes as running jobs are suspended and preparations are made for stopping the server. The server log will indicate that the shutdown has begun with messages similar to the following, where <server_name> is the name of your application server:

SIMULIA Execution Engine stopping on server "<server_name>"

Additional messages are logged during the shutdown process, ending with a message similar to the following:

SIMULIA Execution Engine server shutdown completed.

It is generally not recommended to “stop” the deployed EAR file in the application server. Instead, the application server process must be shutdown. The startup procedure above can then be used to restart the SIMULIA Execution Engine.