Params.txt Quick Reference

Before you execute the WebSphere configuration scripts, you must update the params.txt name-value file with information about your installation.

You can update the params.txt file in the same way that you updated the file (see Configuring SIMULIA Execution Engine Station Properties). The table below provides a quick reference for the properties and examples of possible values. The params.txt file also contains information and instructions.

params.txt entry Comment Example Value
FIPER_HOME This entry must include the operating system. C:\SIMULIA\Isight\2017\win_b64
FIPER_CONF   C:\SIMULIA\Isight\2017\config
BSF_ROOT This entry is for internal use only (leave it blank).  
DB_USER The User ID that owns the DB2 schema. For DB2, the user must be a user already known to the system. For Oracle, provide the details for the user who created/owns the SEE database schema. For Oracle, the username/password is valid if the username/password used to create the database is the same as the username/password used to access it. fiperacs
DB_USER_PW The password for the User ID that owns the DB2 schema. For Oracle, provide the password for the user who created/owns the SEE database schema.  
DB_TYPE Oracle or DB2.  
DB2_SCHEMA Ignored for Oracle. FIPER
DB2_HOST Ignored for Oracle. localhost
DB2_PORT Ignored for Oracle. 50000
SEE_USER WebSphere console logon. seeadmin
SEE_USER_PW The password for the SEE user.  
WAS_HOST The fully qualified name of the computer running WebSphere.
SERVER_NAME An arbitrary name used in the property files. Typically, you should leave this entry blank because the fiper.conf folder contains the,, and files. However, you can modify the file names to, etc. If you change the file names, you must set the value of SERVER_NAME to see1. In addition, if you change the name for one of the files, you must also change the other two file names to have the same suffix.  
ORACLE_HOME The local Oracle DB install or the client for the JDBC driver. E:\Oracle\ora11g
ORACLE_SID The Oracle instance name. The instance name is typically set when Oracle is installed.  
ORACLE_HOST The name of the Oracle host, relative to the WAS_HOST.
ORACLE_PORT The Oracle port number. 1521
WEBTOP_INSTALL This entry indicates whether or not to install the Webtop.war file. True for yes; blank for no. true
WEBDASH_INSTALL This entry indicates whether or not to install the Web Dashboard. True for yes; blank for no. true
B2B_INSTALL Currently ignored, but the entry must be present (leave it blank).  
ACS_SECURITY Currently ignored, but the entry must be present. Leave the value set to 1. 1