Accessing the Service and Building the Local Model

Now that you have created a model, published it to the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine library, and made it available to other SIMULIA Execution Engines in the federated environment, you need to use the model with the local SIMULIA Execution Engine. The published model is used by building a federated model, which is a model that uses one or more remote SIMULIA Execution Engine services.

In this example you will run the aerodynamic service that you created earlier by building a model that includes a Calculator component followed by a Reference component that will execute the remote service. The Reference component acts as a “placeholder” for a remote service. The inputs and outputs of the Reference component will exactly match those of the root component in the remote model. No other information about the remote model is known to the local model.

  1. Start the Isight Design Gateway, and connect to the local SIMULIA Execution Engine you used to create your federation environment.

  2. Create a simple model by adding a Calculator component to a root Task component.

    This Calculator component is used to calculate the span of the kite configuration that you want to analyze.

  3. Double-click the Calculator component.

    The Calculator Component Editor appears.

  4. Configure the Calculator component by entering the following equation:

    span = PartA + PartB

    This equation has two input parameters (PartA and PartB) and one output parameter (span).

  5. Click OK to close the Calculator Component Editor and to save your changes.

    You are returned to the Design Gateway.

  6. Verify that the Reference component is available on the Design Gateway Component Palette (on the Sim-flow tab). If it is not available, add it using the following procedure:

    1. On the Design Gateway Component Palette, click Add.

      The Isight Library dialog box appears.

    2. On the left side of the Isight Library dialog box, click SIMULIA Components.
    3. In the list of components, click Reference.
    4. Click Add to Palette.
    5. Click OK to confirm the selection.
    6. Click Close to return to the Design Gateway.

      The Reference component now appears on the Component Palette.

  7. To the right of the existing Calculator component, add a Reference component to the simulation process flow.

    Your Design Gateway should appear as shown below.

  8. Double-click the Reference component in the simulation process flow.

    The Reference Component Editor appears.

  9. Configure the Reference component to use the aerodynamic service with the local model.

    1. Click Choose Model.

      The Select Model Reference dialog box appears.

    2. On the left side of the dialog box, expand the Remote Partner option.

      The list of all the partner installations that the administrator has defined appears.

    3. Expand the partner that you want to use.

      A search is made on the selected remote SIMULIA Execution Engine for models that are shared and accessible to the user performing the search. The available models are displayed below the partner name.

    4. Click the model you want to use. In this example, click the kite model.

      Information about the model appears on the right side of the Select Reference Model dialog box.

    5. Click Select Model.

      You are returned to the Reference Component Editor, and it displays the inputs and outputs of the remote service. These remote input parameters and output parameters are read and used to populate the input and output parameters of the local Reference component. The default values for the input parameters were taken from the default values defined in the remote service. Furthermore, the name of the partner, along with the remote model name and version are shown above the input/output list.

    6. Click OK.

      The Reference Component Editor is closed, and you are returned to the Design Gateway.

  10. Click the Design Gateway Dataflow tab, and verify that the Mapping subtab is selected.

  11. In the Model Explorer area on the left side of the Design Gateway, click the Reference component.

    The Reference component’s parameters are displayed on the left side of the Mappings subtab. All of the model’s parameters are displayed on the right side.

  12. Create the appropriate mapping connecting the span output parameter of the Calculator component to the Kite Span input parameter of the Reference component.

    1. On the Mappings subtab, click and drag the Kite Span parameter from its position below the Reference component to the Calculator component’s span parameter.
    2. Once the span parameter is highlighted, release your mouse button.

      An arrow appears, connecting (mapping) the two parameters.

  13. In the Model Explorer area on the left side of the Design Gateway, click the Calculator component.

  14. Click the Parameters tab.

    The parameters for the Calculator component are displayed.

  15. Set the values for the PartA and PartB parameters. You can set the values to anything you desire. The sum of these two values will become the Kite Span value (for example, 5.0 for PartA and 10.0 for PartB).

  16. Click the button to execute the model on the local SIMULIA Execution Engine, just like any other model.

    The Runtime Gateway appears. The Reference component is executed by calling the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine to run the aerodynamic analysis. The results of the execution are returned from the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine and become the outputs of the Reference component in the local model.

  17. Once the execution is complete, click the Runtime Gateway Parameters tab.

  18. In the Model Explorer area on the left side of the Runtime Gateway, click the Reference component to view the final job results.

    The Reference component results appear. The remote model was executed by calling the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine to run the aerodynamic analysis. The results of that execution were returned from the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine and became the outputs of the Reference component in this local model.

  19. Close the Runtime Gateway.

  20. If desired, save the file to your local disk using the Design Gateway’s File / Save As option.