Importing the Exchanged Public Keys

After you copy the public key files (.arm files) between all the SIMULIA Execution Engines in your Federation environment, you need to import these files into each SIMULIA Execution Engine using the IBM Key Management tool.

Each SIMULIA Execution Engine adds the extracted public information from the other SIMULIA Execution Engine’s certificate as a “signer” certificate.

  1. Navigate to the following directory on the local SIMULIA Execution Engine:


  2. Access the IBM Key Management dialog box, which is used to create and manage digital certificates, using one of the following methods:

    • Windows: Execute the ikeyman command.

    • Linux: Execute the ./ command.

    The IBM Key Management dialog box appears.

  3. From the Key Database File menu, select Open.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  4. Using the Browse option, navigate to the local_see.jks key database file in the keys directory.

  5. Click OK.

    The Password Prompt dialog box appears.

  6. Enter the password that was used to protect this key file when the key file was created.

  7. Click OK.

    You are returned to the IBM Key Management dialog box.

  8. From the Key database content list, select Signer Certificates.

  9. On the right side of the dialog box, click Add.

    The Add CA’s Certification from a File dialog box appears.

  10. In the Certificate file name text box, type server.arm, where server is the name of one of the remote SIMULIA Execution Engines.

    Important: This entry represents the .arm files transferred from the remote SIMULIA Execution Engines in Exchanging the Extracted Certificates. Be careful that you do not select the server.arm file for the local system.

  11. In the Location text box, type the location of the keys directory.

  12. Click OK.

  13. When prompted, provide a label for the certificate. It is recommended that you specify an identifying label such as Certificate from server, where server is the name of the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine.

  14. Click OK.

    The new certificate now appears in the list of Signer Certificates.

  15. Close the IBM Key Management dialog box.

  16. Repeat Steps 1 through 15 on each SIMULIA Execution Engine that you want to include in your federation environment.

  17. Proceed to Configuring Certificate and Keys Usage.