Recreating Faces using Virtual Topology

During the Validation a new Geometry was created. It is possible, that several faces are merged into a bigger face, or one face is split up into multiple faces. In the second case, you just have to reselect all faces which represent the initial face and assign it as geometry to your boundary condition.

Note: After using Virtual Topology to adjust the Geometry, the Mesh has to be regenerated (Tree Outline: Mesh > Generate Mesh.

  1. Select multiple faces to recreate your initial face selection.

  2. If you want to split one face into several small faces or add an edge or vertex at a specific location, you have to use Virtual Topology as explained in the following steps:

  3. Select Model in the Tree Outline and click on Virtual Topology in the upper Toolbar:

  4. There are two possibilities to create a new vertex:

    • Either you split an edge,
    • or you create a so called "Hard Vertex" somewhere on a face.

  5. To create a vertex on an edge, activate the Edge-Selection-Tool as shown in the following figure:

  6. Click on the location where you want to split and press Split Edge at + button in the Virtual Topology Toolbar.

    The different colors of the edge symbolize that there are two edges with a new vertex.

  7. To create a vertex somewhere on a face, activate the Face-Selection-Tool and click on the location where you want to create the new vertex.

  8. Click on Hard Vertex at + button in the Virtual Topology Toolbar.

  9. To split a face, select two vertices with Vertex-Selection-Tool and click Split Face at Vertices.