Example: Minimizing the Displacement Design Response

The task for this example is to minimize the absolute displacement of node 10 in local coordinate system CS_1.

This task shows you how to:

Choose a displacement design response in Tosca ANSA® environment

  • Apply OBJ_FUNC_ITEM_1 > New > Displacement command as shown in the following figure:

Choose a displacement design response in Tosca Structure.gui

  1. Choose Command > DRESP.

    The DRESP menu appears.

  2. Define a displacement design response as shown in the following figure:

Choose a displacement design response in Tosca Extension for ANSYS® Workbench

  1. In Tosca Extension for ANSYS® Workbench an objective function containing a displacement has to be set up in two steps: At first, add and define a design response containing the displacement. Therefore add a design response to the project, choose Displacement as Category and Absolute as Response Type as shown in the following figure:

  2. In order to select the node, activate a nodal selection first by clicking Show mesh and Select mesh.

  3. Select the desired node graphically.

  4. Then call this design response in an objective function: To set up a minimization function, add an objective function to the project, select Minimize sum as Target and choose the previously defined design response in a new tab, as shown in the following figure:

SIMULIA Tosca Structure Parameter File

  • The resulting command in the parameter file look like follows:

     ID_NAME = disp_x_abs
     CS_REF = CS_1
     LC_SET = STATIC, 2,
     NODE = 10