Analysis Types: Static Linear or Non-Linear AnalysisFor energy stiffness measure the following table shows the allowed combinations between strategy and the items OBJ_FUNC and CONSTRAINT with C for controller and S for sensitivity based optimization.
ENERGY_STIFF_MEASURE describes a new stiffness measure without physical meaning for handling of prescribed displacement in stiffness optimization. For stiffness optimization of structures with only external loading the strain energy should be minimized (see Compliance (Stiffness Optimization)): where P is the external loading and u is the corresponding nodal deflections of the loaded nodes. If a load case is driven by prescribed displacements the elastic energy / compliance will only decrease if the structure is made softer. If only prescribed displacements are present without external loading, the strain energy should be maximized to obtain optimal results: where u* are the nodal prescribed displacements being different from zero and R are the corresponding nodal reaction forces. The physical strain energy with both external load and prescribed displacements is described as follows but may not lead to optimal stiffness results: The new stiffness measure (ENERGY_STIFF_MEASURE) combines the first two approaches in the following optimization formulation :