Group Operation for StressesFor a standard shape optimization definition, the maximum stress over all load cases is selected within the design nodes as follows: DRESP ID_NAME = DRESP_MAX_MISES DEF_TYPE = SYSTEM TYPE = SIG_MISES UPDATE = EVER ND_GROUP = DESIGN_NODES GROUP_OPER = MAX END_ Group Operations for StiffnessFor the standard topology optimization task the stiffness/compliance is defined as the sum of the strain energy for all elements in the model. If more than one load case is defined, the overall stiffness is then the sum of the stiffness of the referenced load cases. This can be defined as: DRESP ID_NAME = DRESP_SUM_ENERGY DEF_TYPE = SYSTEM TYPE = STRAIN_ENERGY UPDATE = EVER EL_GROUP = ALL_ELEMENTS GROUP_OPER = SUM END_ |