Geometric Nonlinear AnalysisGeometric nonlinear analysis (parameter NLGEOM) can be used in topology and shape optimization. Allowed Analysis Types for Sensitivity-Based OptimizationsThe responses from the two following analysis types in ANSYS® are allowed for sensitivity-based topology optimization:
Only one set of the command LSSOLVE is allowed in each finite element file (CDB). Furthermore, the load case should be specified in an order starting from 1 and then the numbering should be chronologically increasing. The load case are referred in the parameter file using the number of the load case. E.g. if two static load case (LSSOLVE,1,2,1 and ANTYPE,0 in file_fe_static.s01 and file_fe_static.s02) are defined in the file file_fe_static_1.cdb and two eigenfrequency load case (LSSOLVE,1,2,1 and ANTYPE,2 in file_fe_dynamic.s01 and file_fe_dynamic.s02) are defined in the file_fe_dynamic_1.cdb, they are defined in parameter file like: FEM_INPUT ID_NAME = Two_files FILE = file_fe_static.cdb FILE = file_fe_dynamic.cdb END_ and the two static responses can be referred to like: DRESP ... LC_SET = STATIC,1, ... END_ and DRESP ... LC_SET = STATIC,2, ... END_ and the two modal frequency responses can be referred to like: DRESP ... LC_SET = MODAL,10001,... ... END_ and DRESP ... LC_SET = MODAL,10002,..... ... END_