Remarks for Sensitivity-Based Optimizations

Additional remarks concerning sensitivity-based optimizations with Abaqus are summarized in this section.

Prescribed Accelerations for Sensitivity-Based Topology Optimization

Prescribed acceleration loading are often caused by gravity fields, centrifugal loading and rotary acceleration loads. This chapter defines which kind of acceleration types for the Abaqus solvers is feasible for sensitivity-based topology optimization.

The following commands are supported for acceleration loading:

  • GRAV: Gravity loading.
  • CENTRIF: Centrifugal load
  • ROTA: Rotary acceleration load

The following are not supported:

  • CENT: Centrifugal load is not supported.
  • CORIO: Coriolis force loading is not supported.

Several CPU-Processors in Combination with Sensitivity-Based Topology Optimization

Abaqus fails to deliver all results requested by SIMULIA Tosca Structure sensitivity-based topology optimization when an Abaqus analysis is executed using more than one CPU-processor in combination with SIMULIA Tosca Structure sensitivity-based topology optimization. Abaqus failing to deliver all results requested by SIMULIA Tosca Structure sensitivity-based topology optimization is solved by adding the following in the OPT_PARAM command,





Design responses for reaction forces and internal forces cannot be applied when PROCESSORS = MULTI is activated.

Temperature Loading

The following commands are supported for temperature loading exclusively in sensitivity-based topology optimization: *TEMPERATURE.


When reading temperatures from the results or output database file (FILE) then the temperature (FILE) should be the same in each optimization iteration.