*ELCOPY *ELGEN *NCOPY *NFILL *NGEN *NMAP Individual nodes and elements are changed during the optimization. Thus, the commands used in Abaqus to define nodes and elements of transformations are invalid. The appearance of these keywords in the finite element input deck leads to a termination of the optimization. Therefore, these definitions should be executed in a preprocessor so an explicit definition of the nodes and elements are created. When input files already exist then a data check should be carried out with Abaqus. In this data check the nodes and elements are generated and written in the output file (*.dat). The node and element definitions can then be copied from the output file and inserted into a new input file. *parameter *PARAMETER dependence *parameter shape variation Parametric inputs in the Abaqus input deck cannot be used with SIMULIA Tosca Structure. A parameter check should be executed when parametric inputs exist. This parameter check causes an evaluation and substitution of only the parametric inputs: abaqus job=job-name parametercheck Then a modified input file containing no parameter and parameter dependence table definitions and <parameter> instances is produced. Use the generated file named job-name.pes for optimization with SIMULIA Tosca Structure. |