Description of the ModelThe model is for an acoustic analysis of a car muffler. A direct steady state dynamic analysis is performed. At the inlet of the muffler, an acoustic pressure is provided as boundary condition. At the 2 outlets an acoustic impedance is specified to couple them with the air (acoustic infinite elements) on the outside. The muffler is modeled with shell elements on the outside. The Air is modeled with acoustic infinite elements and coupled to the shell with Tie constraints. Thus this is a Fully Coupled Structural-Acoustic Analysis. The muffler is the optimization design area.
The complete FE model of the muffler with infinite acoustic elements is pictured below:
Description of the Optimization ProblemThe optimization problem is to minimize the sound pressure while keeping the volume of the design area same as before. This model does not have any damping parameters. Also thickness bounds are specified, along with clustering of elements. This is done to keep the results in a mechanically sensible range and to ensure the ease of manufacturing. The *.par file is shown below : ... ... DRESP ID_NAME = TOSCA_DRESP_1_FREQUENCY_RESPONSE_TERM_1 LIST = LIST DEF_TYPE = SYSTEM NODE = 219740 TYPE = FS_PRESSURE UPDATE = EVER GROUP_OPER = Max END_ ... DRESP ID_NAME = TOSCA_DRESP_2_VOLUME_CONSTRAINT_1 LIST = LIST DEF_TYPE = SYSTEM EL_GROUP = ALL_SHELLS TYPE = VOLUME UPDATE = EVER GROUP_OPER = Sum END_ ... OBJ_FUNC ID_NAME = OBJ_FUNC_1_OBJ_FUNC_ITEM_1 TARGET = MIN DRESP = TOSCA_DRESP_1_FREQUENCY_RESPONSE_TERM_1, END_ ... CONSTRAINT ID_NAME = CONSTRAINT_1_VOLUME_CONSTRAINT_1 DRESP = TOSCA_DRESP_2_VOLUME_CONSTRAINT_1 MAGNITUDE = REL LE_VALUE = 1. END_ ... OPTIMIZE ID_NAME = OPTIMIZE_1 DV = DESIGN_AREA OBJ_FUNC = OBJ_FUNC_1_OBJ_FUNC_ITEM_1 CONSTRAINT = CONSTRAINT_1_VOLUME_CONSTRAINT_1 STRATEGY = SIZING_SENSITIVITY DVCON = CLUSTER_ID DVCON = BOUNDS_ID END_ ... ResultsThe figure below shows the normalized values of the objective function and the constraints over the optimization process:
The figures below shows the vibration modes and the corresponding acoustic pressure of the muffler:
The figure below is the original design:
and the following figure is the optimized design: The solution has the same volume as original design but with decrease in acoustic pressure around the muffler.