GeneralBefore beginning an optimization, it is advisable to check the output file (TOSCA.OUT) of the optimization preprocessors for any possible warnings or errors. If the optimization preprocessing has been performed without error, the user has the option of carrying out a test run for the shape optimization without a prior FE analysis. This is done by applying pseudo 'optimization displacements'. This option enables the user to quickly and easily check if the mesh smoothing and the restrictions are fully defined and will deliver the desired results. The above procedure is especially recommended for link conditions. The following are typical questions that such a test run can answer:
The results of the test run are sent to user-defined files that can be subsequently loaded into a suitable postprocessor for evaluation. This allows the test results to be easily displayed and checked. If the results of the test run are not satisfying, the optimization model may need to be modified. The effort required to perform a test run in the optimization preprocessor is much less than the effort required for a complete optimization. Unwanted side effects can make a ‘costly’ and time-consuming optimization useless although the side effects might have been recognized without much effort in a test run. Test run (CHECK_INPUTS) in Tosca ANSA® environment
Test run in Tosca Structure.gui
Command syntaxThe test run in the shape optimization is controlled by the TEST_SHAPE command. A test run is always based on a previously defined optimization job that is referenced in the OPTIMIZE command. The format information for the postprocessing is specified with the FORMAT parameter. The name of the file into which the postprocessing data is written is specified with the FILE_NAME parameter. The test displacement in a specified direction (DIRECTION) is applied in a specified number of increments (INCREMENT parameter) until reaching a maximum displacement (DISPLACEMENT parameter). A typical TEST_SHAPE command appears as follows: TEST_SHAPE OPTIMIZE = <name_of_optimize> FORMAT = ONF FILE_NAME = <name_of_output_file> DIRECTION = [ GROW | SHRINK | RANDOM ] DISPLACEMENT = <value_of_max_displacement> INCREMENT = <number_of_increments> END_
ExampleThe optimization task named shape_optimization should be subjected to a test run. The file names are to have the name test_grow. In the growth direction five displacement increments should be applied with a maximum displacement of 1.5 length units, i.e. the displacements are applied in increments of 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 and 1.5. TEST_SHAPE OPTIMIZE = shape_optimization FILE_NAME = test_grow DIRECTION = GROW DISPLACEMENT = 1.5 INCREMENT = 5 END_ |