Optimizer parameters

The mathematical optimizer MMA is used to determine the new nodal positions.

The following parameters may be set:

Move limit (NODAL_MOVE)

A move limit adjusts the change in the nodal coordinates per iteration. The relative move limit of the nodal optimization displacement for each iteration is set by the optimization parameter.

NODAL_MOVE = <real_value>

Default value is NODAL_MOVE = 0.1. The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. The absolute move limit is the maximum possible optimization displacement times NODAL_MOVE.

MMA asymptote update (NODAL_UPDATE)

The optimization parameter NODAL_UPDATE can be used to control the update of asymptotes in MMA. The value of nodal update may be conservative (NODAL_UPDATE =CONS) which is default or normal (NODAL_UPDATE =NORM).

Important: Only advanced users should change this parameter.

Sensitivity calculation (ONLY_DES_NODES)

SIMULIA Tosca Structure.bead calculates sensitivities only for design nodes:


In the opposite case (ONLY_DES_NODES = NO) SIMULIA Tosca Structure is forced to calculate sensitivities for ALL_NODES which is not recommended.

Important: Only advanced users should change this parameter.