
Several examples are shown below to demonstrate different ways to use the reporttool utility.

The following example generates a simple export type of report showing checkout date, username, product feature, and quantity.

abaqus licensing reporttool -log today.log -logtype dsls -type export 
  -accessor checkout,username,feature,quantity

       Checkout Date | Username | Feature | Quantity |
-------------------- | -------- | ------- | -------- |
2012-Dec-10 03:05:16 | bbaggins |     QEX |       50 |
2012-Dec-10 03:33:50 | gandalf  |     QAE |        1 |
2012-Dec-10 04:08:34 | fbaggins |     QAE |        1 |
2012-Dec-10 06:27:18 | gollum   |     QEX |       50 | 

The following example generates a query report that calculates the average number of license tokens used in each 1-hour time bucket.

abaqus licensing reporttool -log today.log -logtype dsls -type query 
  -accessor quantity -aggregator average -duration 1hour

              Bucket | Average
-------------------- | -------
2012-Sep-19 12:37:53 |      25
2012-Sep-19 13:37:53 |      19
2012-Sep-19 14:37:53 |       8
2012-Sep-19 15:37:53 |      18
2012-Sep-19 16:37:53 |      13
2012-Sep-19 17:37:53 |      34

The example below adds to the query report to calculate the total number of checkouts, the average checkout quantity, and the maximum checkout quantity for all sessions in today.log, grouped into 1-hour buckets.

abaqus licensing reporttool -log today.log -logtype dsls -type query 
  -accessor quantity,quantity,quantity -aggregator count,average,max -duration 1hour

              Bucket | Number of items | Average | Maximum
-------------------- | --------------- | ------- | -------
2012-Sep-19 12:37:53 |             108 |      25 |      80
2012-Sep-19 13:37:53 |              98 |      19 |      80
2012-Sep-19 14:37:53 |              46 |       8 |      66
2012-Sep-19 15:37:53 |             114 |      18 |      50
2012-Sep-19 16:37:53 |             129 |      13 |      50
2012-Sep-19 17:37:53 |              74 |      34 |      66
2012-Sep-20 07:37:53 |              49 |      49 |      66
2012-Sep-20 08:37:53 |              11 |      52 |      66
2012-Sep-20 09:37:53 |               2 |      50 |      50

The example below adds one more column to the query report to show the maximum duration of the sessions in each bucket.

abaqus licensing reporttool -log today.log -logtype dsls -type query 
  -accessor quantity,quantity,quantity,duration -aggregator count,average,max,max 
  -duration 1hour

              Bucket | Number of items | Average | Maximum | Maximum
-------------------- | --------------- | ------- | ------- | -------
2012-Sep-19 12:37:53 |             108 |      25 |      80 |    1497
2012-Sep-19 13:37:53 |              98 |      19 |      80 |    1220
2012-Sep-19 14:37:53 |              46 |       8 |      66 |      77
2012-Sep-19 15:37:53 |             114 |      18 |      50 |     482
2012-Sep-19 16:37:53 |             129 |      13 |      50 |     449
2012-Sep-19 17:37:53 |              74 |      34 |      66 |    3552
2012-Sep-20 07:37:53 |              49 |      49 |      66 |    3272