subroutine uel(rhs,amatrx,svars,energy,ndofel,nrhs,nsvars,props, 1 nprops,coords,mcrd,nnode,u,du,v,a,jtype,time,dtime,kstep,kinc, 2 jelem,params,ndload,jdltyp,adlmag,predef,npredf,lflags, 3 mlvarx,ddlmag,mdload,pnewdt,jprops,njprop,period) c include '' c dimension rhs(mlvarx,*),amatrx(ndofel,ndofel),svars(nsvars), 1 energy(8),props(*),coords(mcrd,nnode), 2 u(ndofel),du(mlvarx,*),v(ndofel),a(ndofel),time(2), 3 params(3),jdltyp(mdload,*),adlmag(mdload,*), 4 ddlmag(mdload,*),predef(2,npredf,nnode),lflags(*),jprops(*) dimension sresid(6) parameter (zero=0.d0, one=1.d0) dimension x(9),y(11),vx(9,11),vy(9,11), coordsu(3), vel(3), 1 accel(3) data x/0.0 , 20.7 , 41.5 , 62.2 , 83.0 , $ 103.7 , 124.5 , 145.2 , 166.0/ data y/200.0 , 198.0 , 192.0 , 182.0 , 168.0 , 150.0 , $ 128.0 , 102.0 , 72.0 , 38.0 , 0.0/ c c sresid - stores the static residual at time t+dt c svars - contains the static residual at time t upon entering the c routine. sresid is copied to svars after the dynamic c residual has been calculated. c area= props(1) e = props(2) anu = props(3) rho = props(4) c alen = coords(1,2) - coords(1,1) ak = area*e/alen am = 0.5d0*area*rho*alen c do k1=1,ndofel sresid(k1) = zero do krhs=1,nrhs rhs(k1,krhs) = zero end do do k2=1,ndofel amatrx(k2,k1)= zero end do end do c if (lflags(3).eq.1) then c normal incrementation if (lflags(1).eq.1 .or. lflags(1).eq.2) then c *static amatrx(1,1) = ak amatrx(4,4) = ak amatrx(1,4) = -ak amatrx(4,1) = -ak else if (lflags(1).eq.11 .or. lflags(1).eq.12) then c *dynamic alpha = params(1) beta = params(2) gamma = params(3) c dadu = 1.0d0/(beta*dtime**2) dvdu = gamma/(beta*dtime) c do k1=1,ndofel amatrx(k1,k1) = am*dadu end do amatrx(1,1) = amatrx(1,1) + (1.0d0+alpha)*ak amatrx(4,4) = amatrx(4,4) + (1.0d0+alpha)*ak amatrx(1,4) = amatrx(1,4) - (1.0d0+alpha)*ak amatrx(4,1) = amatrx(4,1) - (1.0d0+alpha)*ak end if else if (lflags(3).eq.2) then c stiffness matrix amatrx(1,1) = ak amatrx(4,4) = ak amatrx(1,4) = -ak amatrx(4,1) = -ak else if (lflags(3).eq.4) then c mass matrix do k1=1,ndofel amatrx(k1,k1) = am end do else if (lflags(3).eq.5) then c half-step residual calculation else if (lflags(3).eq.6) then c initial acceleration calculation do k1=1,ndofel amatrx(k1,k1) = am end do else if (lflags(3).eq.100) then c output for perturbations end if if (lflags(3) .gt. 1) return ndim = 2 ij = 0 do j=1,11 coordsu(2) = y(j) do i=1,9 coordsu(1) = x(i) iwarn = 0 call getwavevel (ndim, coordsu, vel, accel, iwarn, 1 noel, exinterm) vx(i,j) = vel(1) vy(i,j) = vel(2) if (iwarn.eq.1) write(7,*) '****** iwarn .eq. 1 *******' ij = ij + 1 svars(ij) = vel(1) svars(ij+ 99) = vel(2) svars(ij+198) = accel(1) svars(ij+297) = accel(2) end do end do write(7,*)'velocity-vx' write(7,222)((vx(k1,k2),k1=1,9),k2=1,11) write(7,*)'velocity-vy' write(7,222)((vy(k1,k2),k1=1,9),k2=1,11) 222 format(9f6.2) 333 format(3f6.2) return end