SUBROUTINE ABQMAIN C==================================================================== C This program must be compiled and linked with the command: C abaqus make job=fprin C Run the program using the command: C abaqus fprin C==================================================================== C C Purpose: C C This program computes the principal stresses and strains and their C directions from stress and strain values stored in an ABAQUS C results file (.fil). C C Input File names: `FNAME.fil', where FNAME is the root file name of C the input file. C C Output File name: pvalue.dat C C==================================================================== C C Variables used by this program and ABAQUS subroutine SPRIND : C C NDI -- Number of direct components in stress/strain tensor. C NSHR -- Number of shear components in stress/strain tensor. C NDIP1 -- NDI + 1 C ARRAY -- Real array containing values read from results file C (.fil). Equivalenced to JRRAY. C JRRAY -- Integer array containing values read from results file C (.fil). Equivalenced to ARRAY. C FNAME -- Root file name of input file (w/o .fil extension). C NRU -- Number of results files (.fil) to be read. C LRUNIT -- Array containing unit number and format of results files: C LRUNIT(1,*) --> Unit number of input file. C LRUNIT(2,*) --> Format of input file. C LOUTF -- Format of output file: C 0 --> Standard ASCII format. C 1 --> ABAQUS results file ASCII format. C 2 --> ABAQUS results file binary format. C JUNIT -- Unit number of file to be opened. C JRCD -- Error check return code. C .EQ. 0 --> No errors. C .NE. 0 --> Errors detected. C KEY -- Current record key identifier. C JELNUM -- Current element number. C INTPN -- Integration point number. C LSTR -- Indicates type of principal value (stress/strain) and C ordering used: C For calculation of principal value (stress/strain): C 1 --> stress. C 2 --> strain. C For calculation of directions: C 1 --> stress. C 2 --> strain. C S -- Array containing stress tensor. C PS -- Array containing principal stresses. C ANPS -- Array containing directions of principal stresses. C E -- Array containing strain tensor. C PE -- Array containing principal strains. C ANPE -- Array containing directions of principal strains. C C==================================================================== C C The use of ABA_PARAM.INC eliminates the need to have different C versions of the code for single and double precision. C ABA_PARAM.INC defines an appropriate IMPLICIT REAL statement C and sets the value of NPRECD to 1 or 2, depending on whether C the machine uses single or double precision. C C==================================================================== C INCLUDE '' DIMENSION ARRAY(513), JRRAY(NPRECD,513), LRUNIT(2,1) EQUIVALENCE (ARRAY(1), JRRAY(1,1)) C C==================================================================== DIMENSION S(6), E(6), PS(3), PE(3), ANPS(3,3), ANPE(3,3) CHARACTER FNAME*80 C C==================================================================== C Get the name of the results file. C C==================================================================== WRITE(6,*) 'Enter the name of the input file (w/o .fil):' READ(5,'(A)') FNAME C C==================================================================== C Open the output file. C C==================================================================== OPEN(UNIT=9,FILE='pvalue.dat',STATUS='NEW') C NRU = 1 LOUTF = 0 LRUNIT(1,1) = 8 LRUNIT(2,1) = 2 C CALL INITPF(FNAME,NRU,LRUNIT,LOUTF) C JUNIT = 8 C CALL DBRNU(JUNIT) C C==================================================================== C Read records from the results (.fil) file and process the data. C Cover a maximum of 10 million records in the file. C C==================================================================== DO 1000 K100 = 1, 100 DO 1000 K1 = 1, 99999 CALL DBFILE(0,ARRAY,JRCD) IF (JRCD .NE. 0) GO TO 1001 KEY = JRRAY(1,2) C C==================================================================== C Get the heading (title) record. C C==================================================================== IF (KEY .EQ. 1922) THEN WRITE(9,1100) (ARRAY(IXX),IXX=3,12) 1100 FORMAT(1X,10A8) C C==================================================================== C Get the current step and increment number. C C==================================================================== ELSE IF (KEY .EQ. 2000) THEN WRITE(9,1200) JRRAY(1,8), JRRAY(1,9) 1200 FORMAT(1X,'** STEP ',I2,' INCREMENT ',I3) C C==================================================================== C Get the element and integration point numbers, JELNUM and INTPN, C and the location of INTPN (0--at, 1--at centroid, C 4--nodal average) and the number of direct and shear components C in the analysis. C C==================================================================== ELSE IF (KEY .EQ. 1) THEN JELNUM = JRRAY(1,3) INTPN = JRRAY(1,4) LOCATE = JRRAY(1,6) NDI = JRRAY(1,8) NSHR = JRRAY(1,9) NDIP1 = NDI + 1 IF(LOCATE.LE.1) THEN WRITE(9,1201) JELNUM, INTPN ,NDI,NSHR 1201 FORMAT(2X,'ELEMENT NUMBER = ',I8,5X, 1 'INT. PT. NUMBER = ',I2,5X, 2 'NDI/HSHR = ',2I2) ELSEIF(LOCATE.EQ.4) THEN WRITE(9,1191) JELNUM, NDI,NSHR 1191 FORMAT(2X,'NODE NUMBER = ',I8,5X, 1 'NDI/HSHR = ',2I2) END IF C C==================================================================== C Get the stress tensor. C C==================================================================== ELSE IF (KEY .EQ. 11) THEN WRITE(9,1202) 1202 FORMAT(3X,'STRESSES:') C DO 10 IXX = 1, NDI S(IXX) = ARRAY(IXX+2) 10 CONTINUE WRITE(9,1203) (S(IZZ), IZZ = 1, NDI) 1203 FORMAT(4X,'S11 = ',E12.5,' S22 = ',E12.5,' S33 = ',E12.5) DO 20 IYY = NDI + 1, NSHR + NDI S(IYY) = ARRAY(IYY+2) 20 CONTINUE WRITE(9,1204) (S(IZZ), IZZ = NDI + 1, NSHR + NDI) 1204 FORMAT(4X,'S12 = ',E12.5,' S13 = ',E12.5,' S23 = ',E12.5) C C C==================================================================== C Calculate the principal stresses and corresponding principal C directions in unsorted order. C==================================================================== LSTR = 1 CALL SPRIND(S,PS,ANPS,LSTR,NDI,NSHR) WRITE(9,1205) PS(1), ANPS(1,1), ANPS(1,2), ANPS(1,3) 1205 FORMAT(4X,'PS1 = ',E12.5,/, 1 5X,'PD11 =',F8.3,2X,'PD12 =',F8.3,2X,'PD13 =',F8.3) WRITE(9,1206) PS(2), ANPS(2,1), ANPS(2,2), ANPS(2,3) 1206 FORMAT(4X,'PS2 = ',E12.5,/, 1 5X,'PD21 =',F8.3,2X,'PD22 =',F8.3,2X,'PD23 =',F8.3) WRITE(9,1207) PS(3), ANPS(3,1), ANPS(3,2), ANPS(3,3) 1207 FORMAT(4X,'PS3 = ',E12.5,/, 1 5X,'PD31 =',F8.3,2X,'PD32 =',F8.3,2X,'PD33 =',F8.3) C C C==================================================================== C Get the strain tensor. C C==================================================================== ELSE IF (KEY .EQ. 21) THEN WRITE(9,2202) 2202 FORMAT(3X,'STRAINS:') C DO 30 IXX = 1, NDI E(IXX) = ARRAY(IXX+2) 30 CONTINUE WRITE(9,2203) (E(IZZ), IZZ = 1, NDI) 2203 FORMAT(4X,'E11 = ',E12.5,' E22 = ',E12.5,' E33 = ',E12.5) DO 40 IYY = NDI + 1, NSHR + NDI E(IYY) = ARRAY(IYY+2) 40 CONTINUE WRITE(9,2204) (E(IZZ), IZZ = NDI + 1, NSHR + NDI) 2204 FORMAT(4X,'E12 = ',E12.5,' E13 = ',E12.5,' E23 = ',E12.5) C C C==================================================================== C Calculate the principal strains and corresponding principal C directions in unsorted order. C==================================================================== LSTR = 2 CALL SPRIND(E,PE,ANPE,LSTR,NDI,NSHR) WRITE(9,2205) PE(1), ANPE(1,1), ANPE(1,2), ANPE(1,3) 2205 FORMAT(4X,'PE1 = ',E12.5,/, 1 5X,'PD11 =',F8.3,2X,'PD12 =',F8.3,2X,'PD13 =',F8.3) WRITE(9,2206) PE(2), ANPE(2,1), ANPE(2,2), ANPE(2,3) 2206 FORMAT(4X,'PE2 = ',E12.5,/, 1 5X,'PD21 =',F8.3,2X,'PD22 =',F8.3,2X,'PD23 =',F8.3) WRITE(9,2207) PE(3), ANPE(3,1), ANPE(3,2), ANPE(3,3) 2207 FORMAT(4X,'PE3 = ',E12.5,/, 1 5X,'PD31 =',F8.3,2X,'PD32 =',F8.3,2X,'PD33 =',F8.3) C END IF C 1000 CONTINUE 1001 CONTINUE C CLOSE (UNIT=9) C RETURN END