""" Reads the output database file and imports the deformed shape of the billet at the end of step 1 as an orphan mesh part. The orphan mesh part is then used to create a 2D solid part which can be meshed by the user. """ from abaqus import * from abaqusConstants import * import part # NOTE: USER MUST DEFINE THESE VARIABLES. odbName = 'billet.odb' # Name of output database file. modelName = 'Model-1' # Model name. orphanInstance = 'BILLET-1' # Deformed instance name. deformedShape = DEFORMED # Shape. angle = 15.0 # Feature angle. importStep = 0 # Step number. # Import orphan mesh part. orphanBillet = mdb.models['Model-1'].PartFromOdb(fileName=odbName, name='orphanBillet', instance=orphanInstance, shape=deformedShape, step=importStep) # Extract 2D profile and create a solid part. newBillet = mdb.models['Model-1'].Part2DGeomFrom2DMesh(name='newBillet', part=orphanBillet, featureAngle=angle) print 'Deformed billet is now ready for rezoning.'