Beam element formulation

Abaqus offers a wide range of beam elements, with different formulations.

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At a given stage in the deformation history of the beam, the position of a material point in the cross-section is given by the expression


In this expression x(S) is the position of a point on the centerline, nα(S) are unit orthogonal direction vectors in the plane of the beam section, t(S) is the unit vector orthogonal to n1 and n2, ψ(Sα) is the warping function of the section, w(S) is the warping amplitude, and f(S) is a cross-sectional scaling factor depending on the stretch of the beam.

These quantities are functions of the beam axis coordinate S and the cross-sectional coordinates Sα, which are assumed to be distances measured in the original (reference) configuration of the beam. The warping function is chosen such that the value at the origin of the section vanishes: ψ(0)=0.

It is assumed that at the integration points along the beam, the beam section directions are approximately orthogonal to the beam axis tangent s given by


where λ is the axial stretch given by


The normality condition is enforced numerically by penalizing the transverse shear strains


This condition is assumed to be satisfied exactly in the original configuration.

In what follows, ϵαβ is the alternator


The curvature of the beam is defined by

bα=ϵαβ tdnβdS,

and the twist of the beam follows from


The “bicurvature” of the beam is defined by


The bicurvature defines the axial strain variation in the section due to the twist of the beam. The expression for the curvature and the twist can be combined to yield


Before we derive strain measures from these expressions, we will consider in detail how the above quantities and their first and second variations are obtained for a typical beam finite element.