Records written for any element file output request

This section describes the format of the individual records in the Abaqus results file.

These records contain data about element variables at integration points within the elements, at the centroid of elements, or at the nodes of an element.

Records written for any element file output request

1Element header record
  1. Element number or the node number if the subsequent records contain nodal averaged element values.
  2. Integration point number if the subsequent records contain integration point data. Node number if the subsequent records contain data at the nodes of the element. Integration plane number if the subsequent records contain centroidal values for CAXA and SAXA elements. 0 if the subsequent records contain centroidal values or nodal averaged values.
  3. Section point number if this is a shell, beam, or layered solid element and the subsequent records contain data at a section point through the thickness. 0 for continuum elements and for section values in beams and shell elements.
  4. Location identification. 0 if the subsequent records contain data at an integration point; 1 if the subsequent records contain values at the centroid of the element; 2 if the subsequent records contain data at the nodes of the element; 3 if the subsequent records contain data associated with rebar within an element; 4 if the subsequent records contain nodal averaged values; 5 if the subsequent records contain values associated with the whole element.
  5. Rebar name if the subsequent records contain values associated with a named rebar.
  6. Number of direct stresses at a point (NDI).
  7. Number of shear stresses at a point (NSHR).
  8. 0, currently not used in Abaqus/Standard; number of directions in which displacement or temperature gradients are computed in the element (NDIR) in Abaqus/Explicit.
  9. Number of section force or section strain components (NSFC).
  1. Temperature.
3LOADSDistributed load
  1. Load type.
  2. Magnitude.
4FLUXSDistributed flux
  1. Flux type.
  2. Magnitude.
5SDVSolution-dependent state variables
  1. State variable 1.
  2. State variable 2.
  3. Etc. The record can have up to 80 words in ASCII format or 512 words in binary format. Repeat this record as often as necessary to output all active state variables in the model.
6VOIDRVoid ratio
  1. Void ratio.
7FOUNDFoundation pressure
  1. Foundation type.
  2. Magnitude.
  1. First coordinate.
  2. Etc.
9FVField variables
  1. First field variable.
  2. Etc.
10NFLUXNodal flux caused by heat
  1. Node number.
  2. First flux component.
  3. Etc.
  1. First stress component.
  2. Second stress component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
475CS11Average contact pressure (for link and three-dimensional line gasket elements)
  1. Magnitude (available only when the gasket contact area is specified; see Defining the contact area for average contact pressure output).
12SINVStress invariants
  1. Mises stress.
  2. Tresca stress.
  3. Hydrostatic pressure.
  4. Currently not used.
  5. Currently not used.
  6. Currently not used.
  7. Third stress invariant.
13SFSection forces and moments
  1. First section force.
  2. Second section force.
  3. Etc. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a description of which section forces are available for each beam or shell element type.)
449ESF1Effective axial section force
  1. Effective axial section force for beams and pipes subjected to pressure loading.
14ENEREnergy densities
  1. Strain energy. Elastic strain energy is the only energy density request available in eigenvalue extractions. None of the energy densities are available in modal procedures or direct-solution steady-state dynamics analyses.
  2. Plastic dissipation.
  3. Creep dissipation.
  4. Viscous dissipation.
  5. Electrostatic energy.
  6. Energy dissipated due to electrical conduction.
  7. Damage dissipation.
14ENEREnergy densities
  1. Elastic strain energy.
  2. Plastic dissipation.
  3. Viscoelastic dissipation (not supported for hyperelastic and hyperfoam material models).
  4. Viscous dissipation.
  5. Currently not used.
  6. Currently not used.
  7. Damage dissipation.
15NFORCNodal forces caused by stress
  1. Node number.
  2. First force component.
  3. Etc.
16Maximum section stresses
  1. Maximum stress on section.

The order of the data and the number of data items for record 17 depends on the element type. For LS3S elements:

17JKJs, K for LS3S line springs
  1. J (J-integral).
  2. K (stress intensity).
  3. Jel (elastic part of J-integral).
  4. Jpl (plastic part of J-integral).

For LS6 elements:

17JKJs, Ks for LS6 line springs
  1. J (J-integral).
  2. Jel (elastic part of J-integral).
  3. Jpl (plastic part of J-integral).
  4. KI (Mode I stress intensity factor).
  5. KII (Mode II stress intensity factor).
  6. KIII (Mode III stress intensity factor).
18PORPore or acoustic pressure
  1. Liquid pressure.
19ELENEnergy summed over element
  1. Kinetic energy.
  2. Strain energy. Elastic strain energy is the only whole element energy request available in eigenvalue extractions. None of the element energies are available in modal procedures or direct-solution steady-state dynamics analyses.
  3. Plastic dissipation.
  4. Creep dissipation.
  5. Viscous dissipation, not including dissipation due to stabilization.
  6. Static dissipation (due to stabilization).
  7. Artificial strain energy.
  8. Electrostatic energy.
  9. Electrical energy dissipated in a conductor.
  10. Damage dissipation.
19ELENEnergy summed over element
  1. Currently not used.
  2. Strain energy.
  3. Plastic dissipation.
  4. Viscoelastic dissipation (not supported for hyperelastic and hyperfoam material models).
  5. Viscous dissipation.
  6. Artificial strain energy.
  7. Distortion control dissipation.
  8. Currently not used.
  9. Internal heat energy.
  10. Damage dissipation.
21ETotal strain in Abaqus/Standard; infinitesimal strain in Abaqus/Explicit
  1. First strain component.
  2. Second strain component.
  3. Etc. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the components for a given element type.)
22PEPlastic strains
  1. First plastic strain component.
  2. Second plastic strain component.
  3. Etc; followed by the equivalent plastic strain, actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format), and magnitude of plastic strain in Abaqus/Standard; followed by “0.0, UNUSED, 0.0” in Abaqus/Explicit for consistency with the length of the Abaqus/Standard record. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the components for a given element type.)
23CECreep strains (including swelling)
  1. First creep strain component.
  2. Second creep strain component.
  3. Etc; followed by the equivalent creep strain, volumetric swelling strain, and magnitude of creep strain.
24IETotal inelastic strains
  1. First inelastic strain component.
  2. Second inelastic strain component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
25EETotal elastic strains
  1. First elastic strain component.
  2. Second elastic strain component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
26CRACKUnit normal to crack in concrete
  1. 11-component (if a 1D, 2D, or 3D analysis).
  2. 12-component (if a 2D or 3D analysis).
  3. 13-component (if a 3D analysis).
  4. 21-component (if a 2D or 3D analysis).
  5. 22-component (if a 2D or 3D analysis).
  6. 23-component (if a 3D analysis).
  7. 31-component (if a 3D analysis).
  8. 32-component (if a 3D analysis).
  9. 33-component (if a 3D analysis).
27STHSection thickness
  1. Current section thickness for membranes and finite-strain shells in Abaqus/Standard and for plane stress elements, membranes, and all shells in Abaqus/Explicit.
28HFLHeat flux vector
  1. Magnitude.
  2. First component.
  3. Second component.
  4. Etc.
29SESection strains and curvatures
  1. First section strain.
  2. Second section strain.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of what section strains are available for each beam or shell element type.)
30DGDeformation gradient
  1. F11.
  2. Etc. The record will have NDI diagonal components of F, then NSHR above diagonal components (F12, F13, F23), then NSHR below diagonal components (F21, F31, F32), where NDI and NSHR are given in the element header record (record key 1). Available only for hyperelasticity, hyperfoam, and material models defined in user subroutine UMAT.
31CONFConcrete failure
  1. Summary of the state of a concrete material point. This is the number of cracks or −1 if the concrete has crushed.
32SJPStrain jumps at nodes
  1. First strain jump component.
  2. Second strain jump component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
  1. Type.
  2. Sink temperature.
  3. Film coefficient.
  1. Type.
  2. Sink temperature.
  3. Radiation constant.
35SATSaturation (pore pressure analysis)
  1. Saturation.
36SSSubstresses (for ITT elements)
  1. First substress.
  2. Second substress.
38CONCMass concentration (mass diffusion analysis)
  1. Concentration.
446ISOLAmount of solute at the integration point (mass diffusion analysis)
  1. Amount of solute.
447ESOLAmount of solute in the current element (mass diffusion analysis)
  1. Amount of solute.
448SOLAmount of solute in the element set or model (mass diffusion analysis)
  1. Amount of solute.

The number of data items for record 39 depends on the element type. For pore pressure elements and mass diffusion analysis:

39MFLMass concentration flux vector
  1. Magnitude.
  2. First component.
  3. Second component.
  4. Etc.

For fluid link elements:

39MFLMass flow rate
  1. Current flow rate.
40GELVRGel (pore pressure analysis)
  1. Gel volume ratio.
43FLUVRTotal fluid volume ratio
  1. Total fluid volume ratio.
61STATUSElement status
  1. Status of element (shear failure model, tensile failure model, porous failure criterion, brittle failure model, Johnson-Cook plasticity model, and VUMAT). The status of an element is 1.0 if the element is active, 0.0 if the element is not.
73PEEQEquivalent plastic strain
  1. Equivalent plastic strain. For crushable foam plasticity with volumetric hardening, it is the volumetric compacting plastic strain. For cap plasticity it is pb (the cap position).
74PRESSMean pressure stress
  1. Mean pressure stress.
75MISESMises equivalent stress
  1. Mises stress.
79RATIOCreep strain rate ratio
  1. Current maximum ratio of creep strain rate and target creep strain rate.
79ERVVolumetric strain rate
  1. Volumetric strain rate.
80AMPCUSolution-dependent amplitude value
  1. Current value of the solution-dependent amplitude.
83SSAVGAverage shell section stresses
  1. First section stress.
  2. Second section stress.
  3. Etc. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a description of which section stresses are available for each shell element type.)

The following record is generated in Abaqus/Standard when the local coordinate directions are requested, component output is requested for a material or section point, and the components are given in a local coordinate system (see Output of local directions to the results file); it is generated automatically in Abaqus/Explicit when component output is requested for a material or a section point and the components are given in a local coordinate system. Only the first two directions are given; if needed, the third direction can be obtained as the cross product of the first two. The direction record is not generated for trusses, two-dimensional beams, axisymmetric shells or membranes, or for values averaged at nodes.

85Local coordinate directions
  1. First component of the first direction.
  2. Second component of the first direction.
  3. Third component of the first direction.
  4. First component of the second direction.
  5. Second component of the second direction.
  6. Third component of the second direction.
86ALPHABackstress for kinematic hardening plasticity
  1. First α component.
  2. Second α component.
  3. Etc. (The number of components is equal to the number of stress components; see the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide.)
87UVARMUser-defined output variables
  1. Output variable 1.
  2. Output variable 2.
  3. Etc.
88THEThermal strains
  1. First thermal strain component.
  2. Second thermal strain component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
89LELogarithmic strains
  1. First logarithmic strain component.
  2. Second logarithmic strain component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
90NENominal strains
  1. First nominal strain component.
  2. Second nominal strain component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
91ERMechanical strain rates
  1. First strain rate component.
  2. Second strain rate component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
96MFLTTotal mass flow through fluid link
  1. Magnitude.
97FLVELPore fluid effective velocity vector
  1. Magnitude.
  2. First component.
  3. Second component.
  4. Etc.
476EMSFScaling factor
  1. Element mass scaling factor.
477EDTElement time increment
  1. Element stable time increment.

Principal value records

For all principal values, the number of components equals NDI unless NDI equals 1, in which case the number of components equals NDI plus NSHR, where NDI and NSHR are given on the element header record. In the cases where NDI equals 2, only the in-plane values are given.

401SPPrincipal stresses
  1. Minimum principal stress.
  2. Etc.
402ALPHAPPrincipal values of backstress tensor for kinematic hardening plasticity
  1. Minimum principal value.
  2. Etc.
403EPPrincipal strains
  1. Minimum principal strain.
  2. Etc.
404NEPPrincipal nominal strains
  1. Minimum principal nominal strain.
  2. Etc.
405LEPPrincipal logarithmic strains
  1. Minimum principal logarithmic strain.
  2. Etc.
406ERPPrincipal mechanical strain rates
  1. Minimum principal strain rate.
  2. Etc.
407DGPPrincipal values of deformation gradient
  1. Minimum principal value.
  2. Etc.
408EEPPrincipal elastic strains
  1. Minimum principal elastic strain.
  2. Etc.
409IEPPrincipal inelastic strains
  1. Minimum principal inelastic strain.
  2. Etc.
410THEPPrincipal thermal strains
  1. Minimum principal thermal strain.
  2. Etc.
411PEPPrincipal plastic strains
  1. Minimum principal plastic strain.
  2. Etc.
412CEPPrincipal creep strains
  1. Minimum principal creep strain.
  2. Etc.

Records for porous metal plasticity

413VVFVoid volume fraction
  1. f.
414VVFGVoid volume fraction (growth)
  1. fgr.
415VVFNVoid volume fraction (nucleation)
  1. fnucl.
416RDRelative density
  1. r=1-f

Records for brittle cracking

421CKECracking strains
  1. First cracking strain component.
  2. Second cracking strain component.
  3. Etc. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and the type of the components for the element type.)
422CKLELocal cracking strains
  1. First strain component in local crack directions.
  2. Second strain component in local crack directions.
  3. Etc. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and the type of the components for the element type.)
423CKLSLocal cracking stresses
  1. First stress component in local crack directions.
  2. Second stress component in local crack directions.
  3. Etc. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and the type of the components for the element type.)
424CKSTATStatus of cracks
  1. Status of first crack (if a 1D, 2D, or 3D analysis). CKSTAT can have the following values: 0.0=uncracked, 1.0=closed crack, 2.0=actively cracking, 3.0=crack closing/reopening.
  2. Status of second crack (if a 2D or 3D analysis).
  3. Status of third crack (if a 3D analysis).
441CKEMAGCracking strain magnitude
  1. Magnitude of cracking strain.

Records for inelastic nonlinear response in a beam general section

42SPEPlastic strain components
  1. Axial plastic strain.
  2. Curvature change about the local 1-axis.
  3. Curvature change about the local 2-axis (available only for 3D beams).
  4. Twist of the beam (available only for 3D beams).
47SEPEEquivalent plastic strains
  1. Axial equivalent plastic strain.
  2. Curvature change about the local 1-axis.
  3. Curvature change about the local 2-axis (available only for 3D beams).
  4. Twist of the beam (available only for 3D beams).

Records for elastic-plastic response in frame elements

462SEEElastic section strain components
  1. Elastic axial strain.
  2. Elastic curvature change about the local 1-axis.
  3. Elastic curvature change about the local 2-axis (available only for 3D frame elements).
  4. Elastic twist of the beam (available only for 3D frame elements).
463SEPPlastic displacements at frame element's ends
  1. Plastic axial displacement.
  2. Plastic rotation about the local 1-axis.
  3. Plastic rotation about the local 2-axis (available only for 3D frame elements).
  4. Plastic rotation about the element axis (available only for 3D frame elements).
  5. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for frame element's end sections.
  6. Buckling flag (yes, no, or na; A8 format) for frame element's end sections.
464SALPHAGeneralized backstress components
  1. Axial backstress component.
  2. Bending backstress about the local 1-axis.
  3. Bending backstress about the local 2-axis (available only for 3D frame elements).
  4. Twist backstress of the beam (available only for 3D frame elements).

Records for connector elements

495CTFConnector total force
  1. First component of total force.
  2. Second component of total force.
  3. Etc.
496CEFConnector elastic force
  1. First component of elastic force.
  2. Second component of elastic force.
  3. Etc.
497CVFConnector viscous force
  1. First component of viscous force.
  2. Second component of viscous force.
  3. Etc.
498CSFConnector friction force
  1. First component of friction force.
  2. Second component of friction force.
  3. Etc.
499CSLSTConnector lock and connector stop status flags
  1. Flag in the 1-direction.
  2. Flag in the 2-direction.
  3. Etc.
500CRFConnector reaction force
  1. First component of reaction force.
  2. Second component of reaction force.
  3. Etc.
501CCFConnector concentrated force
  1. First component of concentrated force.
  2. Second component of concentrated force.
  3. Etc.
502CPConnector relative position
  1. First component of relative position.
  2. Second component of relative position.
  3. Etc.
503CUConnector relative displacement
  1. First component of relative displacement.
  2. Second component of relative displacement.
  3. Etc.
504CCUConnector constitutive displacement
  1. First component of constitutive displacement.
  2. Second component of constitutive displacement.
  3. Etc.
505CVConnector relative velocity
  1. First component of relative velocity.
  2. Second component of relative velocity.
  3. Etc.
506CAConnector relative acceleration
  1. First component of relative acceleration.
  2. Second component of relative acceleration.
  3. Etc.
507CFAILSTConnector failure status flags
  1. Flag in the 1-direction.
  2. Flag in the 2-direction.
  3. Etc.
542CNFConnector friction-generating contact force
  1. First component of friction-generating force.
  2. Second component of friction-generating force.
  3. Etc.
546CIVCConnector relative velocity in the direction of instantaneous slip
  1. Relative velocity in the direction of instantaneous slip.
548CASUAccumulated frictional slip
  1. First component of accumulated frictional slip.
  2. Second component of accumulated frictional slip.
  3. Etc.
556CUEConnector elastic displacement
  1. First component of elastic displacement.
  2. Second component of elastic displacement.
  3. Etc.
557CUPConnector plastic relative displacement
  1. First component of plastic relative displacement.
  2. Second component of plastic relative displacement.
  3. Etc.
558CUPEQConnector equivalent plastic relative displacement
  1. First component of equivalent plastic relative displacement.
  2. Second component of equivalent plastic relative displacement.
  3. Etc.
559CDMGConnector overall damage variable
  1. First component of overall damage variable.
  2. Second component of overall damage variable.
  3. Etc.
560CDIFConnector force-based damage initiation criterion
  1. First component of connector force-based damage initiation criterion.
  2. Second component of connector force-based damage initiation criterion.
  3. Etc.
561CDIMConnector motion-based damage initiation criterion
  1. First component of connector motion-based damage initiation criterion.
  2. Second component of connector motion-based damage initiation criterion.
  3. Etc.
562CDIPConnector plastic motion-based damage initiation criterion
  1. First component of connector plastic motion-based damage initiation criterion.
  2. Second component of connector plastic motion-based damage initiation criterion.
  3. Etc.
563CALPHAFConnector kinematic hardening shift force
  1. First component of connector kinematic hardening shift force.
  2. Second component of connector kinematic hardening shift force.
  3. Etc.

Record for plane stress orthotropic failure measures

44CFAILUREFailure measures
  1. Maximum stress theory.
  2. Tsai-Hill theory.
  3. Tsai-Wu theory.
  4. Azzi-Tsai-Hill theory.
  5. Maximum strain theory.

Record for equivalent plastic strain components for cap plasticity

45PEQCEquivalent plastic strain components
  1. Equivalent plastic strain for Drucker-Prager failure surface.
  2. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for Drucker-Prager failure surface.
  3. Equivalent plastic strain for cap surface.
  4. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for cap surface.
  5. Equivalent plastic strain for transition surface.
  6. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for transition surface.
  7. Total volumetric inelastic strain.
  8. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format).

Record for equivalent plastic strain components for jointed materials

45PEQCEquivalent plastic strain components
  1. Equivalent plastic strain for joint 1.
  2. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for joint 1.
  3. Equivalent plastic strain for joint 2.
  4. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for joint 2.
  5. Equivalent plastic strain for joint 3.
  6. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for joint 3.
  7. Equivalent plastic strain for bulk material.
  8. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format) for bulk material.

Record for equivalent plastic strain in uniaxial tension for cast iron plasticity

473PEEQTEquivalent plastic strain in uniaxial tension
  1. Equivalent plastic strain in uniaxial tension for cast iron plasticity model.
  2. Actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format).

Records for two-layer viscoplasticity

22PEPlastic strains in the elastic-plastic network
  1. First plastic strain component.
  2. Second plastic strain component.
  3. Etc.; followed by the equivalent plastic strain, actively yielding flag (yes or no, A8 format), and magnitude of plastic strain. (See Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the components for a given element type.)
524VSStresses in the elastic-viscous network
  1. First stress component.
  2. Second stress component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
525PSStresses in the elastic-plastic network
  1. First stress component.
  2. Second stress component.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
526VEViscous strains in the elastic-viscous network
  1. First viscous strain component.
  2. Second viscous strain component.
  3. Etc.; followed by the equivalent viscous strain.

Record for elements with electric potential degrees of freedom

50EPGElectrical potential gradients
  1. Magnitude.
  2. First potential gradient.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)

Records for rebar quantities

442RBFORForce in rebar
  1. Magnitude.
443RBANGRebar angle
  1. Angle in degrees between the reinforcing and the user-specified isoparametric direction. Available only for membrane, shell, and surface elements.
444RBROTChange in rebar angle
  1. Change in angle in degrees between the reinforcing and the user-specified isoparametric direction. Available only for membrane, shell, and surface elements.

Record for forced convection/diffusion heat transfer elements

445MFRMass flow rates
  1. First mass flow rate.
  2. Etc.

Records for piezoelectric materials

46PHEPGMagnitudes and phases of potential gradients (linear dynamics only)
  1. Magnitude of first electrical potential gradient.
  2. Magnitude of second electrical potential gradient.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
  4. Phase angle of first electrical potential gradient.
  5. Phase angle of second electrical potential gradient.
  6. Etc.
49PHEFLMagnitudes and phases of electrical charge fluxes (linear dynamics only)
  1. Magnitude of first charge flux.
  2. Magnitude of second charge flux.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
  4. Phase angle of first charge flux.
  5. Phase angle of second charge flux.
  6. Etc.
51EFLXElectrical charge fluxes
  1. Magnitude.
  2. First charge flux.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
60CHRGSDistributed electrical charges
  1. Charge type.
  2. Magnitude.

Records for coupled thermal-electric elements

425ECDElectrical current density
  1. Magnitude.
  2. First current density.
  3. Etc. (See the element description in Abaqus Elements Guide for a definition of the number and type of the components for the element type.)
426ECURSDistributed electrical current density
  1. Electrical current type.
  2. Magnitude.
427NCURSNodal current due to electric conduction
  1. Node number.
  2. Magnitude.

Records for cohesive elements

252DMICRTAll active components of the damage initiation criteria
  1. MAXSCRT, maximum nominal stress damage initiation criterion.
  2. MAXECRT, maximum nominal strain damage initiation criterion.
  3. QUADSCRT, quadratic nominal stress damage initiation criterion.
  4. QUADECRT, quadratic nominal strain damage initiation criterion.
235SDEGOverall scalar stiffness degradation
  1. Magnitude.
61STATUSElement status
  1. Status of the element (the status of an element is 1.0 if the element is active, 0.0 if the element is not).

Records for equivalent rigid body variables in direct-integration implicit dynamic analyses

Records 52–59 provide values summed over an element set. These variables are available only in direct-integration implicit dynamic analyses (see Implicit dynamic analysis using direct integration).

52XCCurrent coordinates of center of mass
  1. Coordinate 1.
  2. Coordinate 2.
  3. Etc. (The number of components depends upon the overall dimensionality of the element set.)
53UCDisplacement of the center of mass
  1. Displacement 1.
  2. Displacement 2.
  3. Etc. (The number of components depends upon the overall dimensionality of the element set.)
54VCEquivalent rigid body velocity
  1. Component 1.
  2. Component 2.
  3. Etc. (The number of components depends upon the overall dimensionality of the element set.)
55HCAngular momentum about center of mass
  1. Component 1.
  2. Component 2.
  3. Etc. (The number of components depends upon the overall dimensionality of the element set.)
56HOAngular momentum about origin
  1. Component 1.
  2. Component 2.
  3. Etc. (The number of components depends upon the overall dimensionality of the element set.)
57RIRotary inertia about the origin
  1. Component 11.
  2. Component 22.
  3. Etc. (The number of components depends upon the overall dimensionality of the element set.)
58MASSCurrent mass of element set
  1. Mass.
59VOLCurrent volume of element set
  1. Volume. (Only available for continuum and structural elements not using general beam or shell section definitions.)

Record for transverse shear stress in thick shell elements such as S3R, S4R, S8R, and S8RT

48TSHRTransverse shear stresses in 13 and 23 planes
  1. Component 13.
  2. Component 23.

Records for linear dynamics

62PHSMagnitude and phase angle of stress components
  1. Magnitude of first stress component.
  2. Magnutude of second stress component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of first stress component.
  5. Phase angle of second stress component.
  6. Etc.
63RSRMS values of stress components
  1. First component of stress.
  2. Second component of stress.
  3. Etc.
65PHEMagnitude and phase angle of strain components
  1. Magnitude of first strain component.
  2. Magnitude of second strain component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of first strain component.
  5. Phase angle of second strain component.
  6. Etc.
66RERMS values of strain components
  1. First component of strain.
  2. Second component of strain.
  3. Etc.

Records for connector elements (available only for linear dynamics)

508PHCTFMagnitude and phase angle of connector total forces
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
509PHCEFMagnitude and phase angle of connector elastic forces
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
510PHCVFMagnitude and phase angle of connector viscous forces
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
511PHCRFMagnitude and phase angle of connector reaction forces
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
520PHCSFMagnitude and phase angle of connector friction forces
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
512PHCUMagnitude and phase angle of connector relative displacements
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
513PHCCUMagnitude and phase angle of connector constitutive displacements
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
522PHCVMagnitude and phase angle of connector relative velocities
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
523PHCAMagnitude and phase angle of connector relative accelerations
  1. Magnitude of the first component.
  2. Magnitude of the second component.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component.
  5. Phase angle of the second component.
  6. Etc.
543PHCNFMagnitude and phase angle of friction-generating connector force
  1. Magnitude of the first component of friction-generating connector force.
  2. Magnitude of the second component of friction-generating connector force.
  3. Etc.
  4. Phase angle of the first component of friction-generating connector force.
  5. Phase angle of the second component of friction-generating connector force.
  6. Etc.
547PHCIVSLMagnitude and phase angle of connector relative velocity in the direction of instantaneous slip
  1. Magnitude of connector relative velocity in the direction of instantaneous slip.
  2. Phase angle of connector relative velocity in the direction of instantaneous slip.
514RCTFRMS values of connector total forces
  1. First component of force.
  2. Second component of force.
  3. Etc.
515RCEFRMS values of connector elastic forces
  1. First component of force.
  2. Second component of force.
  3. Etc.
516RCVFRMS values of connector viscous forces
  1. First component of force.
  2. Second component of force.
  3. Etc.
517RCRFRMS values of connector reaction forces
  1. First component of force.
  2. Second component of force.
  3. Etc.
521RCSFRMS values of connector friction forces
  1. First component of force.
  2. Second component of force.
  3. Etc.
518RCURMS values of connector relative displacements
  1. First component of relative displacements.
  2. Second component of relative displacements.
  3. Etc.
519RCCURMS values of connector constitutive displacements
  1. First component of constitutive displacements.
  2. Second component of constitutive displacements.
  3. Etc.
544RCNFRMS values of connector force generating friction
  1. RMS values of first component of friction-generating connector force.
  2. RMS values of second component of friction-generating connector force.
  3. Etc.

Records for fluid link elements (available only for linear dynamics)

94PHMFLMagnitude and phase angle of mass flow rate
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Phase angle.
95PHMFTMagnitude and phase angle of total mass flow
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Phase angle.

Records for output of element volumes

The following three variables are not available for eigenfrequency extraction, complex eigenfrequency extraction, eigenvalue buckling prediction, or linear dynamics procedures. They are available only for continuum and structural elements not using general beam or shell section definitions.

76IVOLIntegration point volume
  1. Current integration point volume. Section point volume in the case of beams and shells.
77SVOLSection volume
  1. Current section volume.
78EVOLWhole element volume
  1. Current element volume.

Record for solid elements in an adaptive mesh domain in Abaqus/Standard

264VOLCChange in volume.
  1. Change in area or volume of an element set solely due to adaptive meshing.