Records written for any contact surface file output request

This section describes the format of the individual records in the Abaqus results file.

The following topics are discussed:

Records written for any contact surface file output request

5 SDV Solution-dependent state variables
  1. State variable 1.
  2. State variable 2.
  3. Etc. The record can have up to 80 words in ASCII format or 512 words in binary format. Repeat this record as often as necessary to output all active state variables in the model.
1503 Output request definition
  1. Contact file output (0).
  2. Slave surface name.
  3. Master surface name.
  4. Node set containing a subset of the nodes making up the slave surface.
1504 Node header
  1. Node number.
  2. Number of traction components (2 for 2D or axisymmetric cases, 3 for 3D cases).
1511 CSTRESS Contact tractions
  1. Contact pressure between the node on the slave surface and the master surface with which it interacts.
  2. Frictional shear traction component in the local 1-direction on the master surface.
  3. Frictional shear traction component in the local 2-direction on the master surface for 3D.
1512 CDSTRESS Viscous tractions
  1. Viscous pressure between the node on the slave surface and the master surface with which it interacts.
  2. Viscous shear traction component in the local 1-direction on the master surface.
  3. Viscous shear traction component in the local 2-direction on the master surface for 3D.
1521 CDISP Contact clearances
  1. Separation of the surfaces in the direction of the normal to the master surface.
  2. Accumulated relative tangential displacement of the surfaces in the local 1-direction on the master surface.
  3. Accumulated relative tangential displacement of the surfaces in the local 2-direction on the master surface for 3D.
1522 CFN Total force due to contact pressure
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Force component in the global 1-direction.
  3. Force component in the global 2-direction.
  4. Force component in the global 3-direction.
1523 CFS Total force due to frictional stress
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Force component in the global 1-direction.
  3. Force component in the global 2-direction.
  4. Force component in the global 3-direction.
1575 CFT Total force due to contact pressure and frictional stress
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Force component in the global 1-direction.
  3. Force component in the global 2-direction.
  4. Force component in the global 3-direction.
1524 CAREA Total area in contact
  1. Magnitude.
1526 CMN Total moment about the origin due to contact pressure
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Moment component about the global 1-axis.
  3. Moment component about the global 2-axis.
  4. Moment component about the global 3-axis.
1527 CMS Total moment about the origin due to frictional stress
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Moment component about the global 1-axis.
  3. Moment component about the global 2-axis.
  4. Moment component about the global 3-axis.
1576 CMT Total moment about the origin due to contact pressure and frictional stress
  1. Magnitude.
  2. Moment component about the global 1-axis.
  3. Moment component about the global 2-axis.
  4. Moment component about the global 3-axis.
1578 CTRQ Maximum torque that can be transmitted about the z-axis by a contact surface in an axisymmetric analysis with a friction coefficient of unity
  1. Magnitude.
1573 XN Coordinates of the center of the force due to contact pressure
  1. Coordinate in the global 1-direction.
  2. Coordinate in the global 2-direction.
  3. Coordinate in the global 3-direction.
1574 XS Coordinates of the center of the force due to frictional stress
  1. Coordinate in the global 1-direction.
  2. Coordinate in the global 2-direction.
  3. Coordinate in the global 3-direction.
1577 XT Coordinates of the center of the force due to contact pressure and frictional stress
  1. Coordinate in the global 1-direction.
  2. Coordinate in the global 2-direction.
  3. Coordinate in the global 3-direction.
1528 HFL Heat flux density
  1. Magnitude.
1529 HFLA HFL multiplied by the nodal area
  1. Magnitude.
1530 HTL Time integrated HFL
  1. Magnitude.
1531 HTLA Time integrated HFLA
  1. Magnitude.
1532 SFDR Heat flux density due to frictional dissipation
  1. Magnitude.
1533 SFDRA SFDR multiplied by the nodal area
  1. Magnitude.
1534 SFDRT Time integrated SFDR
  1. Magnitude.
1535 SFDRTA Time integrated SFDRA
  1. Magnitude.
1536 WEIGHT Weighting factor
  1. Magnitude.
1537 SJD Heat flux density due to electrical current
  1. Magnitude.
1538 SJDA SJD multiplied by the nodal area
  1. Magnitude.
1539 SJDT Time integrated SJD
  1. Magnitude.
1540 SJDTA Time integrated SJDA
  1. Magnitude.
1541 ECD Electrical current density
  1. Magnitude.
1542 ECDA ECD multiplied by area
  1. Magnitude.
1543 ECDT Time integrated ECD
  1. Magnitude.
1544 ECDTA Time integrated ECDA
  1. Magnitude.
1545 PFL Pore fluid volume flux per unit area
  1. Magnitude.
1546 PFLA PFL multiplied by the nodal area
  1. Magnitude.
1547 PTL Time integrated PFL
  1. Magnitude.
1548 PTLA Time integrated PFLA
  1. Magnitude.
1549 TPFL Total pore fluid volume flux leaving the slave surface
  1. Magnitude.
1550 TPTL Time integrated TPFL
  1. Magnitude.

Records for bond failure quantities from crack propagation analysis

1570 DBT Time when bond failure occurs
  1. Magnitude.
1571 DBSF Fraction of stress that remains at bond failure
  1. Magnitude.
1572 DBS Remaining stress in the failed bond
  1. 11-component of debond stress.
  2. 12-component of debond stress.
290 OPENBC Relative displacement behind crack when fracture criterion is met
  1. Magnitude.
293 EFENRRTR Effective energy release rate ratio
  1. Magnitude.
294 BDSTAT Bond state (varies from 1.0 to 0.0)
  1. Magnitude.
235 CSDMG Damage variable
  1. Magnitude.
295 CRSTS Critical stress at failure
  1. 11-component of critical stress.
  2. 12-component of critical stress.
  3. 13-component of critical stress (only available to three-dimensional models).
296 ENRRT Strain energy release rate
  1. 11-component of strain energy release rate.
  2. 12-component of strain energy release rate.
  3. 13-component of strain energy release rate (only available to three-dimensional models).

Record for surface-based pressure penetration analysis

1592 PPRESS Fluid pressure for surface-based pressure penetration analysis
  1. Magnitude.

Records for surface-based cohesive behavior with damage

253 CSDMG Overall value of the scalar damage variable
  1. Magnitude.
345 CSMAXSCRT Maximum contact stress damage initiation criterion
  1. Magnitude.
346 CSMAXUCRT Maximum separation damage initiation criterion
  1. Magnitude.
347 CSQUADSCRT Quadratic contact stress damage initiation criterion
  1. Magnitude.
348 CSQUADUCRT Quadratic separation damage initiation criterion
  1. Magnitude.