Set DLOAD=YES to write the load vector from distributed loads on the
element. The default is DLOAD=NO.
This parameter can be used only with the parameter OUTPUT FILE=USER DEFINED. It is used to specify the name of the file (without
extension) to which the data will be written. The extension
.mtx will be added to the file name provided by the user;
Input Syntax Rules
for the syntax of such file names. If this parameter is not included when OUTPUT FILE=USER DEFINED is specified, the output will be written to the data file.
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency, in increments. The output
will always be written at the last increment of each step unless FREQUENCY=0. The default is FREQUENCY=1. Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.
Set MASS=YES to write the mass matrix. The default is MASS=NO.
Set OUTPUT FILE=RESULTS FILE (default) for the data to be written to the regular results
file in the format specified in
Results file output format.
Set OUTPUT FILE=USER DEFINED for the results to be written to a user-specified file in the
format of the
USER ELEMENT, LINEAR option (User-defined elements).
The name of the file is specified using the FILE NAME parameter.
Set STIFFNESS=YES to write the stiffness matrix (or the operator matrix for heat
transfer elements). The default is STIFFNESS=NO.