TypeHistory data
Abaqus/CAEStep module
Required parameters
Include this parameter to specify that the electromagnetic response is calculated based on the standard low-frequency assumption of neglecting the effects of displacement currents in Maxwell's equations.

One of the following mutually exclusive parameters is required
Include this parameter to calculate the time harmonic linear electromagnetic response of the system subjected to harmonic excitation.
Include this parameter to calculate the transient electromagnetic response of the system.

Optional parameters
This parameter can be used only with the TRANSIENT parameter to select direct user control of the incrementation through the step. If this parameter is used, constant increments of the size defined by the first item on the data line are used. If this parameter is omitted, Abaqus/Standard will choose the increments (after trying the user's initial time increment for the first attempt at the first increment).
Include this parameter to activate the stabilization scheme that may be needed in some situations to obtain an electromagnetic solution. It defines a factor that is used by Abaqus in the stabilization computations. If this parameter is included without a value, the default value is assumed to be 1.0. The parameter may be set to a higher value to increase the stabilization or to a lower value to decrease it.

Data lines to define an electromagnetic analysis if the TIME HARMONIC parameter is included
- First line
Lower limit of frequency range or a single frequency, in cycles/time.
Upper limit of frequency range, in cycles/time. If this value is given as zero, it is assumed that results are required at only one frequency and the remaining data items on the line are ignored.
Total number of points in the frequency range at which results should be given, including the end points. The minimum value is 2. If the value given is less than 2 (or omitted), the default value of 20 points is assumed.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define frequency ranges in which results are required.

Data lines to define an electromagnetic analysis if the TRANSIENT parameter is included
- First (and only) line
Initial time increment. This value will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping scheme is used or will be used as the constant time increment if the DIRECT parameter is used. If this entry is zero or is not specified, a default value that is equal to the total time period of the step is assumed.
Time period of the step.
Minimum time increment allowed. If a smaller time increment than this value is needed, the analysis is terminated. If this entry is zero, a default value of the smaller of the suggested initial time increment or 10−5 times the time period of the step is assumed.
Maximum time increment allowed. Only used for automatic time incrementation. If this value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.