TypeModel data
LevelPartPart instanceAssembly
Abaqus/CAEProperty module
Optional, mutually exclusive parameters
Use this parameter to specify a fully submerged beam (default).
Use this parameter to specify a half-submerged beam.

Data line to define beam fluid inertia
- First (and only) line
Mass density of fluid.
Local 1-coordinate of the center of the cylindrical cross-section with respect to the beam cross-section, x.
Local 2-coordinate of the center of the cylindrical cross-section with respect to the beam cross-section, y.
Radius of the cylindrical cross-section, r.
Added mass coefficient, (default = 1.0), for lateral motions of the beam.
Added mass coefficient, (default = 0.0), for motions along the axis of the beam. This coefficient affects only the term added to the free end(s) of the beam.