This method creates a GeometryShellSection object.
Optional arguments
- nodalThicknessField
A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object used to define the thickness of the shell elements at each node. The nodalThicknessField argument applies only when thicknessType=NODAL_ANALYTICAL_FIELD or thicknessType=NODAL_DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- thicknessField
A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object used to define the thickness of the shell elements. The thicknessField argument applies only when thicknessType=ANALYTICAL_FIELD or thicknessType=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- thicknessType
A SymbolicConstant specifying the distribution used for defining the thickness of the elements. Possible values are UNIFORM, ANALYTICAL_FIELD, DISCRETE_FIELD, NODAL_ANALYTICAL_FIELD, and NODAL_DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- preIntegrate
A Boolean specifying whether the shell section properties are specified by the user prior to the analysis (ON) or integrated during the analysis (OFF). The default value is OFF.
- poissonDefinition
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use the default value for the Poisson's ratio. Possible values are:
DEFAULT, specifying that the default value for the Poisson's ratio is 0.5 in an Abaqus/Standard analysis and is obtained from the material definition in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
VALUE, specifying that the Poisson's ratio used in the analysis is the value provided in poisson.
The default value is DEFAULT.
- poisson
A Float specifying the Poisson's ratio. Possible values are −1.0 poisson 0.5. This argument is valid only when poissonDefinition=VALUE. The default value is 0.5.
- integrationRule
A SymbolicConstant specifying the shell section integration rule. Possible values are SIMPSON and GAUSS. The default value is SIMPSON.
- temperature
A SymbolicConstant specifying the mode used for temperature and field variable input across the section thickness. Possible values are GRADIENT and POINTWISE. The default value is GRADIENT.
- nTemp
None or an Int specifying the number of temperature points to be input. This argument is valid only when temperature=POINTWISE. The default value is None.
- thicknessModulus
None or a Float specifying the effective thickness modulus. This argument is relevant only for continuum shells and must be used in conjunction with the argument poisson. The default value is None.
- useDensity
A Boolean specifying whether or not to use the value of density. The default value is OFF.
- density
A Float specifying the value of density to apply to this section. The default value is 0.0.
Return value
A GeometryShellSection object.