Making your graphics configuration permanent

Once you are satisfied with the values you have specified for the tuning parameters, you can make the changes permanent by including an onCaeGraphicsStartup function in your environment file (custom_v6.env or abaqus_v6.env). To avoid conflicts with other graphics settings, you should add the customized onCaeGraphicsStartup function only to the environment file in your home directory (see Using the Abaqus environment files, for details on environment file location and execution).

The members of the DefaultGraphicsOptions object determine the default graphics settings that are enabled when you start a session and when you click Defaults in the Graphics Options dialog box. You can view the default graphics settings by entering the following command in the command line interface:

print session.defaultGraphicsOptions

You use the setValues method in the environment file (abaqus_v6.env) to modify the members of the DefaultGraphicsOptions object. To set your default graphics options in the environment file, you must use the session.defaultGraphicsOptions object instead of the session.graphicsOptions object that you modified from the command line interface. The following example environment file configures your Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer graphics settings:

def onCaeGraphicsStartup():