Define material properties
In the
Model Tree,
double-click the Materials container to create a new
material definition.
In the material editor that appears, name the material
Steel and select
Enter 200.0E9 for the Young's
Modulus and 0.3 for the
Poisson's Ratio. Click OK.

Define section properties
In the
Model Tree,
double-click the Sections container to create a new
section definition. Accept the default solid, homogeneous section type; and
name the section LugSection. Click
In the Edit Section dialog box that appears,
accept Steel as the material and click

Assign section properties
In the
Model Tree,
expand the Lug item underneath the
Parts container and double-click Section
Assignments in the list of part attributes that appears.
Select the entire part as the region to which the section will be
assigned by clicking on it. When the part is highlighted, click
Done in the prompt area.
In the Edit Section Assignment dialog box that
appears, accept LugSection as the section definition, and
click OK.