Defining contact

Either contact algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit could be used for this problem. However, the definition of contact using the contact pair algorithm would be more cumbersome since, unlike general contact, the surfaces involved in contact pairs cannot span more than one body. We use the general contact algorithm in this example to demonstrate the simplicity of the contact definition for more complex geometries.

Define a contact interaction property named Fric. In the Edit Contact Property dialog box, select MechanicalTangential Behavior, select Penalty as the friction formulation, and specify a friction coefficient of 0.3 in the table. Accept all other defaults.

Create a General contact (Explicit) interaction named All in the Drop step. In the Edit Interaction dialog box, accept the default selection of All* with self for the Contact Domain to specify self-contact for the default unnamed, all-inclusive surface defined automatically by Abaqus/Explicit. This method is the simplest way to define contact inĀ Abaqus/Explicit for an entire model. Select Fric as the Global property assignment, and click OK.