About parallel execution

Parallel execution of Abaqus is implemented using two different schemes: threads and message passing. Threads are lightweight processes that can perform different tasks simultaneously within the same application. Threads can communicate relatively easily by sharing the same memory pool. Thread-based parallelization is readily available on all shared memory platforms.

Parallelization with message passing uses multiple analysis processes that communicate with each other via the Message Passing Interface (MPI). This requires MPI components to be installed. On the command line you can set mp_mode=mpi to indicate that MPI components are available on the system. Alternatively, set mp_mode=MPI in the environment file (see Environment File Settings). The MPI-based implementation is the default on all platforms where it is supported.

Output the local installation notes for your system to learn about local multiprocessing capabilities (see Obtaining information). From the Support page at www.3ds.com/simulia, refer to the System Information page for the current release of Abaqus for complete information about parallel processing support on various platforms, including information about MPI requirements and availability.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Obtaining information
Environment File Settings
Parallel execution in Abaqus/Standard
Parallel execution in Abaqus/Explicit
