The abaqus mtxasm utility assembles element matrices contained in a SIM document and, optionally, writes the assembled matrices to text files. If assembled matrices are already available in a SIM document, you can use this utility to write them to text files.
This option is used to specify the name of the SIM document containing assembled matrices or to which assembled matrices will be written, depending on the mode of operation.
This option is used to specify the name of the SIM document containing element matrices to be assembled. If this option is not used, the SIM document specified using the job option must already exist and contain assembled matrices.
This option is used to write assembled matrices to text files in the matrix input format. Each matrix is written to a file that follows the naming convention jobname_matrixN.mtx, where jobname is the name specified using the job option, matrix is a four-letter identifier (STIF, MASS, DMPV, DMPS, or LOAD) indicating the matrix type relevant for structural or thermal matrices, and N is the increment number.