Connection type SLIDE-PLANE keeps node b on a plane defined by the orientation of node a and the initial position of node b. Connection type SLIDE-PLANE cannot be used in two-dimensional or axisymmetric analysis. The normal direction defining the plane at node a is e1a.

Connection type SLIDE-PLANE models a point confined between parallel plates or a pin-in-slot connection where the pin is free to move normal to the plane of the slot.

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Figure 1. Connection type SLIDE-PLANE.

The SLIDE-PLANE connection constrains the position of node b, xb, to remain on a plane defined by the local normal direction e1a. The normal direction distance from node a to the plane is constant:


where x0 is the initial distance from node a to the plane. The constraint force in the SLIDE-PLANE connection is


Node b can move in the plane defined by the normal of node a. The position of node b in the plane relative to node a is

y=e2a(xb-xa)    and    z=e3a(xb-xa).

The two available components of relative motion, u2 and u3, are

u2=y-y0    and    u3=z-z0,

where y0 and z0 are the coordinates of the initial position of node b. The connector constitutive displacements are

u2mat=y-l2ref    and    u3mat=z-l3ref.

The kinetic force in the plane is



Predefined Coulomb-like friction in the SLIDE-PLANE connection relates the kinematic constraint forces in the connector to the friction forces (CSFC) in the translations along the two local directions in the 2–3 plane.

The frictional effect is formally written as


where the potential P(f) represents the magnitude of the frictional tangential tractions in the connector in a direction tangent to the 2–3 plane on which contact occurs, FN is the friction-producing normal force on the same plane, and μ is the friction coefficient. Frictional stick occurs if Φ<0; and sliding occurs if Φ=0, in which case the friction force is μFN.

The normal force FN is the sum of a magnitude measure of friction-producing connector forces, FC=g(f), and a self-equilibrated internal contact force, FCint:


The force magnitude FC=|f1|.

The magnitude of the frictional tangential tractions, P(f), is computed using


The predefined Coulomb-like friction is computed differently when the SLIDE-PLANE connection is used in combination with a REVOLUTE connection. See the description of the PLANAR connection for the predefined friction definition in this case.


Basic, assembled, or complex: Basic
Kinematic constraints: x=x0
Constraint force output: f1
Available components: u2,u3
Kinetic force output: f2,f3
Orientation at a: Required
Orientation at b: Ignored
Connector stops: l2minyl2max,
Constitutive reference lengths: l2ref,l3ref
Predefined friction parameters: Optional: FCint
Contact force for predefined friction: FC