Writing to an output database

You can write your own data to an output database, and you can use Abaqus/CAE to view the data. Writing to an output database is very similar to reading from an output database. When you open an existing database, the Odb object contains all the objects found in the output database, such as instances, steps, and field output data. In contrast, when you are writing to a new output database, these objects do not exist. As a result you must use a constructor to create the objects. For example, you use the Part constructor to create a Part object, the Instance constructor to create an OdbInstance object, and the Step constructor to create an OdbStep object.

After you create an object, you use methods of the objects to enter or modify the data associated with the object. For example, if you are creating an output database, you first create an Odb object. You then use the Part constructor to create a part. After creating the part, you use the addNodes and addElements methods of the Part object to add nodes and elements, respectively. Similarly, you use the addData method of the FieldOutput object to add field output data to the output database. After creating an output database, you should use the save method on the Odb object to save the output database.

The example script in Creating an output database also illustrates how you can write to an output database.

In this section:

Creating a new output database
Writing model data
Writing results data
Writing field output data
Default display properties
Writing history output data