Creates a cylindrical coordinate system.
Transforms the results to the new coordinate system.
Computes the average radial displacement.
Computes the distortion as the difference between radial displacement and the average radial displacement.
Saves the distortion field to the output database for viewing.
Use the following commands to retrieve the example script and an input file to create a sample output database:
abaqus fetch job=transformExa
abaqus fetch job=esf4sxdg
from odbAccess import *
# Retrieve request from user.
odbName = raw_input('Enter odb name')
stepName = raw_input('Enter step name')
frameNo = int( raw_input('Enter frame number') )
odb = openOdb(odbName)
# Retrieve the displacements from last frame of the last step.
step = odb.steps[stepName]
frame = step.frames[frameNo]
displacement = frame.fieldOutputs['U']
# Create cylindrical coordinate system and compute
# associated results
coordSys = odb.rootAssembly.DatumCsysByThreePoints(name='cylC',
coordSysType=CYLINDRICAL, origin=(0,0,0),
point1=(1.0, 0.0, 0), point2=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
cylindricalDisp = displacement.getTransformedField(
radialDisp = cylindricalDisp.getScalarField(componentLabel='U1')
# Compute average radius.
sum = 0.0
for val in radialDisp.values:
sum = sum +
aveDisp = sum / len(radialDisp.values)
# Compute distortion.
distortion = radialDisp - aveDisp
# Save computed results to the database.
fieldDescription = 'Distortion ( \
average radial displacement = ' + str(aveDisp) + ')'
description=fieldDescription, field=distortion)