Use the following command to retrieve the example script: abaqus fetch job=compDispMagHist The fetch command also retrieves an input file that you can use to generate the output database that is read by the example script. # HistoryOutput operators example problem.
# Compute magnitude of node displacement history from
# displacement components and scale relative to given
# allowable displacement.
from odbAccess import *
# get historyRegion for the node in nodeSet TIP
odb = openOdb(path='compDispMagHist.odb')
endSet = odb.rootAssembly.instances['BEAM-1-1'].nodeSets['TIP']
histPoint = HistoryPoint(node=endSet.nodes[0])
tipHistories = odb.steps['Step-2'].getHistoryRegion(
# Compute and scale magnitude.
maxAllowableDisp = 5.0
sum = 0
componentLabels = ('U1', 'U2', 'U3')
for name in componentLabels:
sum = sum + power(tipHistories.historyOutputs[name], 2.0)
sum = sqrt(sum) / maxAllowableDisp
# Print magnitude.
print 'History:',
print 'Time Magnitude'
for dataPair in
print "%5.4f %5.2f"%(dataPair[0], dataPair[1])