Use the following command to retrieve the example script: abaqus fetch job=fieldOperation The fetch command also retrieves an input file that you can use to generate the output database that is read by the example script. # FieldOutput operators example problem
# Script that does computations with fields and
# saves the results computed to the output database
from odbAccess import *
odb = openOdb(path='fieldOperation.odb')
# Get fields from output database.
field1 = odb.steps['LC1'].frames[1].fieldOutputs['U']
field2 = odb.steps['LC2'].frames[1].fieldOutputs['U']
# Compute difference between fields.
deltaDisp = field2 - field1
# Save new field.
newStep = odb.Step(name='user',
description='user defined results', domain= TIME, timePeriod=0)
newFrame = newStep.Frame(incrementNumber=0, frameValue=0.0)
newField = newFrame.FieldOutput(name='U',
description='delta displacements', type=VECTOR)