The following operators consider a list of fields and perform the envelope calculation: (env, lcIndex) = maxEnvelope([field1, field2, ...]) (env, lcIndex) = minEnvelope([field1, field2, ...]) (env, lcIndex) = maxEnvelope([field1, field2, ...], invariant) (env, lcIndex) = minEnvelope([field1, field2, ...], invariant) (env, lcIndex) = maxEnvelope([field1, field2, ...], componentLabel) (env, lcIndex) = minEnvelope([field1, field2, ...], componentLabel) The envelope commands return two FieldOutput objects.
The optional invariant argument is a Symbolic Constant specifying the invariant to be used when comparing vectors or tensors. The optional componentLabel argument is a odb_String specifying the component of the vector or tensor to be used for selecting the extreme value. The following rules apply to envelope calculations: