Choosing the job run mode

To locate the job editor, select JobEditjobname from the main menu bar. Use the Run Mode options in the Submission tabbed page to choose the mode in which Abaqus will run your job. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Background to run your job locally in the background.

  • Queue to submit your job to a named local or remote batch queue; select the batch queue from the pull-down list. (You must define the queue in the Abaqus environment file. For more information, see Defining analysis batch queues. You must also make the queue available to Abaqus/CAE. For more information, see Submitting a job remotely.)

The Run Mode setting is analogous to parameters of the Abaqus execution procedure.

Related Topics
Understanding analysis jobs
Submitting a job remotely
Using the job editor
Creating, editing, and manipulating co-executions
In Other Guides
Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit execution
Environment File Settings
  1. Locate the job editor.

    From the main menu bar, select JobEditjobname.

    Abaqus/CAE displays the Edit Job dialog box.

  2. Click the Submission tab to display the Submission tabbed page.

  3. From the Run Mode options in the middle of the page, select either Background or Queue.