aStudy=ParStudy (par= , name= , verbose= , directory= )

Required data
- par
Set par equal to the sequence of independent input parameters selected for the parametric study. This sequence must be given inside parentheses or brackets and must contain independent parameter names enclosed by matching quotation marks and separated by commas; for example, ('par1', 'par2', 'par3') or ['par1', 'par2', 'par3']. If only one parameter is to be listed, its name can be given enclosed by matching quotation marks; for example, 'par1'.

Optional data
- name
Set name equal to the name of the parametric study; the name must be enclosed in matching quotation marks. If a name is not specified, its value defaults to the name of the Python script file that contains the parametric study commands.
- verbose
Set verbose equal to the symbolic token OFF to suppress the printing of comment and warning messages. The default is verbose=ON.
- directory
Set directory equal to the symbolic token ON to select that subdirectories of the current directory are used to organize the files of the parametric study. A subdirectory will be created for each design that is analyzed. The default is directory=OFF.