Command (token, results= , par= , designSet= , variations=, truncation= , additional data)

Use this token to specify that results are to be written to an ASCII file as a table with the relevant headings.
Use this token to specify that results are to be printed as a table with the relevant headings. Since the results are printed to the default output device (the screen), you may wish to limit the number of columns in a table so as to make the table readable.
Use this token to specify that results are to be written to an ASCII file as a table without headings. This table can subsequently be read by the Visualization module in Abaqus/CAE to display X–Y plots of result and parameter values.

Required data
- results
Set results equal to the sequence of result names to be reported; this sequence must be enclosed by parentheses or brackets. For example, results=('e33_sinv.1', 'e52_strain', 'n25_u.3'), where 'e33_sinv.1' is the Mises stress of element 33 (Mises is the first component of the SINV record), 'e52_strain' are all the strain components of element 52, and 'n25_u.3' is the third component of displacement of node 25. This example assumes that the three results above were gathered in previous gather commands by requesting the SINV, E, and U variable identifier keys, respectively.

Optional data
- par
Set par equal to the name of the parameter or the sequence of parameters to be included in the report table. If a single parameter is specified, it must be enclosed by matching quotation marks; for example, 'par1'. If a sequence of parameters is specified, it must be given inside parentheses or brackets and must contain parameter names enclosed by matching quotation marks and separated by commas; for example, ('par1', 'par2', 'par3') or ['par1', 'par2', 'par3'].
If par is omitted, all parameters in the parametric study are included in the report table.
- designSet
Set designSet equal to the name of the design set whose results are to be included in the report table; this name must be enclosed by matching quotation marks.
If designSet is omitted, results for all design sets in the parametric study are included in the report table.
- variations
Set variations equal to ON to indicate that the first column of the report table must show the names of the designs being reported. Set variations equal to OFF to indicate that the names of the designs being reported are not to be given in the first column of the report table.
If variations is omitted, the column of design names is not included in the report table.
- truncation
Set truncation equal to ON to indicate that the data of the report table must be reported with limited precision. Set truncation equal to OFF to indicate that the data of the report table must be reported with full precision.
If truncation is omitted, the data of the report table are reported with limited precision.