Restoring Outlying Data Points to Scatter Plot Graphs

You can restore any points that have been removed manually from your scatter plot graphs.

  1. From the model explorer on the left side of the Runtime Gateway, select the component you want to examine, and click the Data Analysis tab.

  2. Click the 2D Scatter Plots or 3D Scatter Plots subtab.

    Isight displays the scatter plot graphs on the subtab.

  3. Select an individual scatter plot, and click the button on the right side of the subtab.

  4. Right-click anywhere in the scatter plot.

    An option menu appears.

  5. Click Restore Runs, and select one of the following:

    Option Description
    Last Restore the last removed point (or group of points).
    All Restore all removed points.
    Select Individually select which points are restored. A table appears from which you can click on a row to restore that run.