Creating a Taguchi Dynamic Response Graph

You can create a Taguchi dynamic response graph that applies to a single selected dynamic response and to a single design point.

  1. Select the Taguchi Robust Design component for which you want to create a graph from the model explorer on the left side of the gateway, and click the Graphs or Graph Templates tab.

    The contents of the tab appear with the selected component’s name displayed at the top of the tab.

  2. Verify that the proper page is selected at the bottom of the tab. By default, Page 1 is used. You can create multiple pages using the <New> tab.

  3. Create the graph by doing any of the following:

    • Click the Graph button below the component title bar.
    • Click the button next to the Graph button, and select Taguchi Dynamic Response Graph.
    • Double-click the Taguchi dynamic response graph icon displayed on the toolbar next to the Graph and Table buttons. You can also drag and drop the icon onto the grid.

      Tip: You can control the icons that are displayed on the toolbar by clicking the Visual Palette button and moving graphs from the Available list to the Selected list. You can also drag the icons on the toolbar to arrange the icons more efficiently.

  4. If you created the graph by using the Graph button, do the following:

    1. Select the Taguchi Dynamic Response Graph from the Graph Creation Wizard.
    2. Click Next.

  5. Select the response:

    1. Click a response to select responses individually.
    2. Click Select All to choose all the responses.
    3. Click Deselect All to remove your selections.
    4. Click Next.

  6. On the Creation Summary screen that appears, review and verify the information.

  7. Click Finish.

    Isight adds the graphs to the gateway.

  8. If desired, you can do the following:

    • Specify the design point to be displayed in the graph using the Experiment menu under the graph.

      The graph displays the relationship between a response and the signal factor for the specified design point. A linear fit to the noise/signal data is shown, along with the actual data, for the selected control experiment.

    • Move the mouse pointer over the displayed noise/signal actual data points.

      Isight displays the response values, the signal values, and the experiment number (<signal #>, <control #>, <noise #>) in a popup label and in the status bar.

    • Overlay a response/signal relationship line on the selected design point graph by clicking Add Line. You can overlay the baseline run (if included in the component configuration) and any available design points corresponding to the best or worst levels.

      By using the Add Line option, you can compare a selected control run to the baseline or determined best levels.