Changing the Parameters Used to Create the Correlation Maps

You can use the advanced filter options to specify which parameters appear in correlation maps, which can make the maps easier to read.

You can also filter the displayed parameters using the options at the bottom of the Data Analysis tab.

  1. From the model explorer on the left side of the Runtime Gateway, select the component you want to examine, and click the Data Analysis tab.

  2. Click the Correlation Map subtab, and right-click on the correlation map.

  3. Click Advanced Filter Options, and determine how you want to filter the displayed data (multiple options can be selected, with the exception that Restrict to only this Parameter and those related to it and Permit only these Parameters to be displayed are mutually exclusive):

    Option Description
    Show only those Parameters that have some relation Draw only those parameters that have no correlations above the cutoff value. This option is selected by default.
    Hide Output to Output Relations Show only the correlation lines that connect an input to an output. This option allows you to focus on what you can control directly (the inputs) and how the inputs affects the results.
    Restrict to only this Parameter and those related to it Take the parameter you select from the drop-down list and the cutoff value into account. The correlation map displays all the correlations included in your selection that are greater than the cutoff value.
    Permit only these Parameters to be displayed Take the parameters you select from the Parameter list and the cutoff value into account. The correlation map shows only the correlations that include the parameters that were selected and are greater than the cutoff value. All parameters are selected by default.

  4. Click OK to save your filtering options and to return to the correlation map.

    Isight updates the correlation map.