Using Correlation Maps to Generate Other Graphs

You can select portions of the correlation map to create frequency and 2D scatter plots that display automatically in the Preview Graph area. If desired, you can save the graphs to the Graphs Overview area.

  1. From the model explorer on the left side of the Runtime Gateway, select the component you want to examine, and click the Data Analysis tab.

  2. Click the Correlation Map subtab, and right-click on the correlation map.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To create a frequency graph (see Frequency Graphs), click a parameter icon.

    • To create a 2D scatter plot (see 2D Scatter Plot Graphs), click the connecting edge of two connected parameters.

  4. If desired, click the button to add the graph to the lower section of the Graphs Overview area. Isight also adds the customized graphs to the Graphs tab.