Creating Carpet Graphs

You can create carpet graphs to examine the impact that varying two inputs independently has on an output for any component without modifying your simulation process flow. The carpet graph capability requires a well-structured data set and uses a DOE Full Factorial technique to generate such a set (i.e., the set of input values) into a DOE component with a well-structured data set. You can create carpet graphs for any component (even non-DOE components) directly from the Runtime Gateway.

The exact same functionality is available prior to model execution through the Design Gateway (see Creating Carpet Graphs Prior to Model Execution).

  1. From the Sim-flow tab, right-click any component.

  2. Select View Carpet Graphs.

    The Carpet Graphs Setup dialog box appears.

  3. If you previously created carpet graphs for the selected component and do not want to use these existing carpet graphs, click Define and execute a new set of Carpet Graphs. Otherwise, select a set of existing graphs, and click OK to view the existing graphs.

  4. From the Inputs tab, select exactly two input parameters that will be used to create the graphs.

  5. Click the Outputs tab, and select any number of output parameters.

    Isight creates a carpet graph for each selected output parameter.

  6. Click OK.

    The selected component is placed within a new DOE component (called Carpet Graph) to create a new model, the Runtime Gateway shows the new model’s simulation process flow, the new model is executed, and the carpet graphs are generated.

  7. Examine the carpet graphs, as desired.