From the Runtime Gateway
or the Design Gateway,
load the model or component whose execution options you want to configure.
Do one of the following:
Click the arrow next to the Run button toolbar, and select Configure and
Run Model or Configure
and Run Component.
From the Run menu, select Configure
and Run Model or Configure and Run Component.
Right-click a component in the simulation process flow, select Run
and then select Configure and Run Component.
The Run Info dialog box appears.

In the Job Name text box, enter a
customized name for the job if desired. Naming the job can make it easier
to locate later for postprocessing or re-execution.
By default, the job name consists of the model name, the
current date, and the current time.
From the Logging Level
list, select the
log level for the execution:
Option |
Description |
Debug |
These messages are intended for debugging
system or component code. Typically, these messages are meaningful only
to program developers. The Debug log level can
produce a large quantity of messages that can affect system performance.
The Debug log level is the highest level and sends
all five types of messages to your log file. |
Info |
These messages contain routine status or
other informational items that are not generally significant. |
Warning |
These messages indicate a condition
that you should be aware of but do not generally indicate a failure.
By default, this option is selected. |
Error |
These messages indicate an error condition
caused by usage, operational data, or some other condition that can be
corrected. |
SysError |
These messages indicate a software
system failure. They may indicate that some part of the infrastructure
has become unusable (e.g., a database has gone down), or they may indicate
a programming error. You must report these errors to system administrators
for analysis. This is the lowest log level. Selecting this option sends
only system error messages to your log file. |
If desired, select Use a fixed seed to manually
set the seed in the corresponding text box.
If this option is not selected, the seed is determined randomly. If
you are using database lookup and you want to verify that all runs were
replaced by lookup runs in the second execution of the job, you must
enter a fixed seed. For information about seeds, see About Seeds.
You can set this option permanently for a model by setting the model
properties option (see Setting the Execution Options).
You can also set the seed value for individual process
components using the component editor’s General
tab as described in the Isight Component Guide.
The component-level seed setting always overrides the model-level setting.
If desired, change the Database Lookup Mode.
has the capability, prior to executing an application
component, to examine all past executions (or only those within the current
job) of the application
component to find out if this component has been run with this exact
set of input values. For more information, see About Database Lookup.
Select one of the following to set the database lookup mode for the
current model:
Option |
Description |
Do not reuse prior runs (execute all components) |
Select this option to execute all components in the current model. By
default, this option is selected. |
Reuse prior runs only within current job |
this option to limit the database lookup coming from prior executions
of the component that were run by this job. This option limits the scope
of the lookup, which reduces its effectiveness but protects the lookup
integrity from external changes, such as the simcode.exe
being replaced by a newer version. |
Reuse prior runs from all compatible jobs |
Select this option to limit the lookups to any derivative (i.e., saved
or copied version) of the original model that has the same model name
(as specified using the Model Properties). Changing the model
name indicates that there is some incompatibility between all prior data
or that this model is being altered to perform some unrelated work. |
If you selected to reuse prior runs (either within the current job or
from all compatible jobs), you can choose to Ignore all File
Parameters when performing lookups.
You can set these options permanently for the model using the model
properties setting (see Setting the Execution Options).
In the Component Info area, view the
component information. You can use the list on the left side of this
area to switch between components. The component information is displayed
on the right side.
In the Unmapped Input and Local Parameters area,
change the starting values for unmapped parameters or the configuration
for unmapped file parameters. You can enter new parameter values directly
in the Value column. File parameter configuration
settings can be accessed by clicking the button in the Value
column, which opens the Configure File Parameter
dialog box. For more information, see Adding File Parameters.
If you are working in the Design Gateway,
Runtime Gateway,
or standalone mode from the command line, you can use the Write
results to database option to turn on/off storing run data
to the database.
You can also specify how long the run data are kept in the database, by entering a value (in days) for Default job expiration. If you do not enter a value, the default is taken from the setting in the Model Properties dialog box. See Setting the Execution Options.
If you are working in a SIMULIA Execution Engine, do the following;
Select the start time for the job
Option |
Description |
Run Immediately |
All jobs begin executing
immediately when launched. This option is the default. |
Run after this delay |
Enter the number of days,
hours, and minutes that must pass before the submitted job begins execution.
If you enter all zeros, the job runs immediately. |
Run at this time |
Enter the date and time when
the submitted job is to begin execution. You can select portions of the
value shown and click on the up/down arrows to change just those portions.
For example, if you select the hours portion and click the up arrow,
the given value advances by one hour. If the date and time entered is
earlier than the current date and time, the job runs immediately. |
If desired, click Set Job Permissions to control
access to the job. For more information on setting these permission,
see Setting Permissions for a Specific Job.
Click Configure From Name-Value File to set the
values of parameters in the root component to an existing name-value
file (see About Name/Value Files).
Locate the file.
Click Open.
Click OK.
The job is executed by the Runtime Gateway
at the time specified, and the job name appears in the Current
Job list.