Edit File Parameters Using the Files Tab
You can use the Files tab to edit
a file parameter. You can also view mapping information and see if the
file parameter is safe for parallel execution. However, only a subset
of the information on the tab can be edited.
From the Files tab, select an input or output
file parameter.
Change any of the following information, as desired:
Name. Click in the cell to edit the name.
If you change the name and the file parameter is mapped to parameters
in other components, Isight
prompts you to verify if you want to change the name of the mapped parameter.
For more information about the file parameter name, see About File Parameter Names.
Display Name. Click in the cell to change the
name that appears in visuals (e.g., graphs, correlation maps, etc.).
For more information, see About Display Names.
Save to DB. Click in the cell to save the file
parameter to the database. File parameters are often used for temporary
work, so it is often desirable to not store the information for these
files in the database. For more information, see About Saving File Parameters to the Database.
Source. Click in the Source
area to edit the source. For more information, see About Configuring the Source or Destination for File Parameters.
Type. Select Text or
Binary. For more information, see About the File Type.
Encoding. From the Encoding
list, select the encoding to use when converting between bytes and characters.
For more information, see About Encoding.
Destination. Click in the Destination
area to edit the destination. For input file parameters, the Destination
is the location where the runtime environment will copy the file so that
will be available when the component executes. For output file parameters,
the Destination is the location where the runtime
environment will copy the file before the runtime directory of the component
is removed. For more information, see About Configuring the Source or Destination for File Parameters.

Edit File Parameters Using the Mappings Subtab
You can use the Mappings subtab on the Dataflow
tab to edit some attributes of mapped and unmapped file parameters such
as name, mode, type, and value. These edits can be helpful when mapping
file parameters. You can use the Files tabs to
edit other attributes for mapped and unmapped file parameters.
From the Design Gateway,
select a model.
Select the component from the model explorer that contains the file
parameter that you want to edit.
Click the Dataflow tab, and click the Mappings
Select the file parameter that you want to edit.
The file parameter’s information appears in the Selected
Parameter area at the bottom of the parameter list.
Adjust any of the following settings, as desired (Name,
Mode, Type, or Value).
For more information on these settings, see About File Parameters.