Setting the Active Approximation

You can set the approximation that the model will use during model execution.You can have multiple approximations defined for a component. However, only one of these approximations can be active at a time. Isight uses the active approximation during model execution. You can still edit, visualize, or analyze errors for any defined approximation at design time. In addition, changing from one active approximation to another does not delete the previously active approximation.

Important: If you are selecting a component that is in a Task Plan, you must select the component using the model explorer.

  1. Select the component for which you want to create an approximation.

    • From the Design Gateway, do one of the following:

      • Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and click the Approximations button on the component title bar.
      • Right-click the component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and select Approximations.

    • From the Runtime Gateway,

      1. Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer.
      2. Click the Visual Design tab, and select the approximation from the list next to the component title bar.

        The Approximations dialog box appears. The dialog box differs if you are viewing it from the Runtime Gateway or the Design Gateway.

  2. In the Activated column, select the approximation that you want to use during execution.

    If an approximation is currently activated, a check mark appears in the Activated column on the left side of the dialog box. If no check marks appear, none of the approximations are active.

  3. Click Close to save your changes and to return to the gateway.