Creating Graphs and Tables Prior to Model Execution

You can use the Graph Templates tab to create empty graphs or tables that are automatically transferred to the Runtime Gateway at execution. You use the Runtime Gateway to view the graphs and tables.

Graphs and tables created on the Graph Templates tab are saved with the model and can be accessed the next time the model is opened in Isight. For more information about graphs and tables, including specialized graphs that are available only for certain components, see Specialized Graph Types.

In addition to the graphs available through the Graph Templates tab, you can create carpet graphs for any component prior to execution to examine the impact that varying two inputs independently has on an output (see Creating Carpet Graphs Prior to Model Execution).

  1. From the Design Gateway, select a model.

  2. Click the Graph Templates tab.

  3. From the model explorer, select a component.

  4. Click either the button or the button to create a graph or table, respectively.

    The Graph Creation or the Table Creation wizard appears.

  5. Use the wizard to make your choices.

    If you create a graph or table that uses a parameter that is later deleted, you are informed about the now invalid graph or table in the Design Gateway message bar. In addition, Isight does not generate the graph during execution.

  6. Click Finish to exit the wizard and to return to the Graph Templates tab.